
OnLine Business
5 Tips to Keep Visitors Coming Back To Your Website
Oct 26, 2006, 00:20

Most successful websites rely on the return of their visitors for a major part of their traffic. The more a visitor returns to your site, the more likely they will be to buy something.

There is something that keeps bringing them back. They like your site, it has content that interest them.

When people return time after time, it says they trust your site. Visitors who return are easier to convert from bystanders to paying customers.

You have gained their confidence, and they like what you are offering. So you must keep your visitors coming back to your site. Here are a few tips on how to help that happen.

1) Start a forum, chatroom or shoutbox

A forum, chatroom or shoutbox will provide your visitors with a place to voice their opinions. They will be able to interact with other people, who also visit your site.

This can build up a sense of friendship, and will encourage your visitors to come back often to have conversations with their new found friends.

2) Start a web log (blog)

You can start an online journal, or web log, commonly known today as a blog. When you put a blog on your site, and keep it up to date with information about you, people will be curious to learn what's going on in your world.

They will begin to feel they know you as a person, rather than just a website.

3) Post polls or surveys

Polls and surveys are other some other ways for your visitors to interact with you and your visitors. Again, they will allow people to voice their opinions and ideas about things.

If there is one thing I like, it is to voice my opinion. Most people enjoy doing so, and like for others to know what they think as well. It will help your visitors become involved in your website.

Make sure your polls and surveys are relative to the content of your website, since it is the content that brought your visitors there in the first place.

4) Post puzzles, quizzes and games

If you challenge your visitors they will enjoy your site much more. People love to play games during their breaks at work, and in the down time at home.

Give your visitors what they want. You can even offer a prize to keep them coming back often.

5) Continuously add fresh content

If you always put up fresh, new content, your visitors will have something new to read whenever they come back. If it is always the same old stuff, they will stop returning.

Why would they come back to look at the same old information? Would You? This is the best and most effective way to not only to keep your visitors returning, but to attract new visitors as well.

No one will want to continue visiting your site if it says the same thing time after time, so keep your site updated with fresh new fun information.

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