
A New Secret Weapon For Moms. Learn To Say NO
Nov 7, 2006, 00:24

Mom are you burnt out? Moms all over the country are suffering from a syndrome called MOM BURN OUT. They, like you, are struggling everyday just to get through it. Many Moms are breaking down over and over again. They keep giving into their kids because they are simply afraid to say NO.

“No” may be a small, two-letter word, but it can be your new secret weapon. You can say it. Just try it a couple times and see how good it feels. You can say NO without feeling guilty about it. Here are some ways you can begin to fit it into your life style.

1. Tell the kids, Sorry, I'm taking a break.

The first reason you should say no sometimes is because you need a break! You have so many jobs in the family structure. You know what they are maid,chef,chauffeur,dish washer...the list goes on and on. You've heard the expression "women's work is never done." Have you become a prime example of that old adage? You do deserve a break, so take one. If it makes you feel badly when you say no, just say "Sorry, I am taking a break".

2. You can say my schedule is full.

We seem to say yes to everything until our schedule is so full of stuff to do, there is not time to take a breather. You can cut back on your kids activities. You can start a carpool with other moms who most likely need a break too. This should free up some of your time. There, that wasn't so hard, was it?

3. You can say I don't have time.

As your rushing out of the house, running to your next pick up, or drop off, the phone rings. It may be someone who just wants to chat, or someone who wants you to listen to their latest dilemma. So what do you do? Don't answer it? Just tell the caller you will get back to them when you have a minute.

4. You can say I have another commitment on that day.

If you already have something to do, you cannot do something else, without making yourself crazy and frazzled. Schedule your time to run errands, pick up your family, and time alone with your family, and actually, some time for yourself. If you are asked to do something else, the answer is simple isn't it? No. I cannot, I have plans for that day. It's getting easier isn't it?

Right now, your sitting there, thinking, She is right! I can do this. After all, your not asking for years, just moments now and then when you can stop, think, and relax.

Instead of rushing around like a chicken without a head, trying to be everything to everybody, just stop. Ask yourself, is this how you want to spend everyday? Do you have the time and energy and desire to do it all...No.

You will be happier and more relaxed if you give yourself the same courtesy you give to everyone else. You will be a better wife, a better mother, and a better friend to you!

You do realize, don't you, that you can take the phone off of the hook, or turn down the ringer. If someone needs you, they will certainly call back. You can take off your superwomen cape now, and just remember your a women, a mom, a wife, and you need a break. You need some down time.

The first time you say NO people will look at you funny, because it is not a word they have ever heard you say. But as time goes on, they will begin to realize just how smart you are, they may even try to copy your new style.

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