
Acne Treatments For You
Feb 5, 2008, 17:58

Acne can be embarrassing, but acne treatments have come a long way over the years.

At one time acne treatments were very limited and usually ineffective, but now if you have acne you have many treatment choices.

You can purchase acne medication over the counter at your local store or you can visit your family doctor, or your dermatologist to get a prescription medication.

Here are some popular acne treatments:

1. Retin-A

If you suffer from persistent blackheads and whiteheads you can find some relief with Retin-A. It may also remove fine lines and wrinkles. Retin-A is derived from Vitamin A. Retin-A promotes the growth of skin cells which helps to extrude the materials blocking and clogging pores which is a main factor in blackheads and whiteheads. The wrinkle solution is just a bonus!

Retin-A can sometimes cause skin irritation and flaky skin. It may take several weeks to see the benefit of applying Retin-A to your skin. Make sure you stay out of the sun when using Retin-A since your skin will be more sensitive to sunlight and you could get sunburned more easily. When your are using Retin-A you should use a moisturizer with some sunscreen in it.

2. Antibiotics

Many physicians like to treat acne with antibiotics. These medications can be applied directly to the skin, or taken internally. Antibiotics will work to decrease the amount of acne causing bacteria in your skin and also help to reduce the fatty acids in the sebum.

Sebum is a natural substance in your body that is affected by hormones. In teenage years with the additional hormone activity, sebum is overproduced and can be a cause of teenage acne.

Any use of antibiotics cannot only kill the bad bacteria, but the good bacteria as well. We see these problems less with the use of topical antibiotics.

3. Photodynamic Therapy

Photodynamic Therapy is relatively new in the treatment of acne. Photodynamic Therapy is sometimes called blue light therapy. It was once used to treat cancer and other medical conditions, but has been found to be an effective alternative to the use of antibiotics in treating moderate to severe cases of acne.

The down side to Photodynamic Therapy is the treatment sessions are usually not covered by health insurance plans. The treatment itself can consist of anywhere from three to five treatment sessions with two to four weeks between each treatment session.

4. Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil can be an effective homeopathic remedy in the at home treatment of acne. It can be diluted and applied directly to the acne lesions, after you have cleaned the area. Tea Tree Oil has antibacterial characteristics and can be used the same as a prescription topical agent. You must also treat acne from the inside. Drink plenty of water, and always keep your skin clean. Remember acne is caused by a hormonal imbalance not because your skin is oily, or because you ate chocolate.

5. Garlic

If you like to eat Garlic then your are in luck, because Garlic is natural antibiotic. There are several easy to use garlic in the war against acne. You can clean your skin with a homemade solution. Combine one part garlic juice to three parts garlic and rub it directly on your acne lesions. Remember to clean your skin first and then apply the mix. You can also eat the garlic to benefit from its antibacterial properties. The key is always to use fresh garlic since it can lose the effectiveness is a very short time after being peeled.

6. Vitamins

Everyone knows that Vitamins are beneficial to overall health, and Vitamins can be used as a weapon in the fight against acne. Vitamins B, A, C and E are most important in the treatment of acne, as are the minerals chromium and zinc. You can find these vitamins in your food store, or your health food store, in combinations made specifically for acne sufferers. You can also include foods rich in Vitamins B, A, C and E into your diet.

Yes today there are more treatments for acne than ever before, and it is your decision on how you would like to treat it. You have many treatment choices, traditional treatments, non-drug therapy or natural remedies, find out which one feels right for you. Always remember to clean your skin often to help fight your acne.

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