
Anti-Aging Is a Chemical Peel For You?
Oct 13, 2007, 16:06

Cosmetic surgery is a drastic way to wipe away the signs of aging. Many people want to look younger, but do not want to under go surgery to do so. Chemical peels are a way to achieve this goal. Chemical peels are grouped under the cosmetic surgery category, but involve a process using chemicals rather than actually undergoing surgery.

Chemical peels cause skin to blister, and then peel. New skin will grow and the new skin will be less wrinkled or less blemished than the old skin. Many people prefer this process to the surgical procedures offered by cosmetic surgery.

Peels can be purchased for home use. You may choose to do it yourself, or you may decide to go and visit with a medical doctor to discuss your options.

Your best bet, of course, is to do research about the different kinds of chemical peels available, and what happens when you use them. When people decide they would like to have a chemical peel done it is so they look good when it is completed. The best way to guarantee this end is to go to a professional.

Let's take a look at the different kinds of chemical peels.

1. AHA Peel

Using an alpha hydroxyl acid peel uses mild chemicals. It uses carboxylic acid that is found in sour milk. This type of acid can be mixed with a facial wash or cream and used in a daily skin routine. The acids are usually in smaller concentrates for this type of usage. If a stronger concentrate is used it can help to reduce fine lines, dry skin, fight acne and even out skin coloring. With this type of peel several treatments may be necessary to get the results your looking for. Your face may sting and be red for several days after each treatment.

2. Tricholroacetic Acid Peel

The tricholroacetic acid is stronger than the AHA treatment. It is not used in full strength since it can cause scarring if it is not concentrated. This peel helps to smooth fine lines, remove blemishes, and can correct skin discoloration. It is usually used for darker skin tones. This peel will take several days to heal, and afterwards special skin products should be used to maintain the results.

3. Phenol/croton Oil Chemical Peel

This if the strongest of the chemical peels. Drastic changes occur as a result of this process. The changes are usually long lasting, and you only need one treatment. Deep wrinkles, pre cancerous growths, blotchy skin and damage from aging and sun exposure are treated with this intense peel. It can also permanently remove freckles and lighten the skin. A must after this procedure is using some form of protection from the sun. This may have to be done for the rest of your life. The recovery process from this treatment may take as long as a few months.

There you have a basic knowledge of a few of the chemical peel options available to you. Is it for you? Only you are able to make that decision, and one should carefully research the choices available. Check with your doctor and get his opinions and suggestions on what type of chemical peel your skin needs.

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