
Paranormal and Metaphysical
Astrology And The New-Age Movement
Jan 14, 2008, 19:52

If you are interested in the New Age Movement, you cannot but help learn something about astrology. The New Age Movement believes that spirit interconnects every one and every body in the universe.

It further believes that there are “energy”, “energy fields” and also astrology that makes such interconnection possible. The astrology of the New Age Movement however is not the normal and better known one, and it is called Karmic astrology.

Martin Schulman founded karmic astrology, on the basic premise of Karma. Two different individuals in exactly the same situation do not necessarily perceive or experience the same phenomenon.

This is believed to be due to each individual’s past, life’s lessons learnt or not, processed or not properly processed, etc.

Karmic astrology believes that it is due to one not having properly completed his previous life’s role, that each individual has his unique perceptions and experiences in this life.

The basis of such a conclusion in Karmic astrology is its belief in reincarnation and that one enjoys or suffers the fruit of one’s actions of the past life, in this life.

The three most familiar systems of astrology are, the Western, Chinese and Indian or Vedic. All these three stress on current events and happenings in an individual’s life and the effect that planetary movements and alignments bring to bear on them.

On the other hand, Karmic astrology believes that the current life has been given to an individual to fulfill all that was not possible to fulfill in the previous incarnation. Such reincarnations are given so that the individual can change, improve and grow.

Along with such a belief, the New Age Movement also believes in alternative medicines, meditation etc. Herbal treatments, massages and other non-traditional methods are suggested so that a person may “heal” as per each individual’s own tailor made requirement.

Not specifically stated as such but, implied in the New Age movement’s emphasis on each individual’s need to “heal”, is the underlying principle that reincarnation is a process to successfully conclude, cause and effect phenomenon carried over from the previous incarnation into this life.

Unlike in the other systems, which focus on current situations and action to be taken, to reach one’s potential, the Karmic astrology endeavors to “fix what is wrong”.

Karmic astrologers therefore are very different from what one would expect from a regular astrologer. They use esoteric language and words like healing along with what is also known as psychobabble.

To summarize, Karmic astrology does not resemble in its beliefs and practices what is normally understood by most people as astrology.

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