
Gadgets and Gizmos
Avoid Digital Disasters
Sep 7, 2005, 19:00

(NAPSI)-Technology and catastrophe: two words often linked in today's world of digital photography. Imagine the look on a child's face when she discovers that something caused the pictures from her first fishing trip with dad to vanish, or the tear in a grandmother's eye when she learns that a simple slip of the finger deleted her favorite 50th wedding anniversary photo of three family generations. Having seen the picture just after it was taken, she doesn't understand why it's gone. A teenager, on the household computer, accidentally erases the family picture folder. These are real-life events that can wipe out years of memories and cause anguish and frustration.

You can save yourself this heartache with a simple software tool like iolo technologies' Search and Recover 3. Search and Recover knows how to find and recover deleted digital photos, allowing you to resurrect precious memories and save them to a safe location-even months after you thought they were lost. This tool also works on regular PC hard drives to recover important deleted files like documents and programs.

You can find Search and Recover at most computer retailers or online (where a 30-day trial is downloadable as well) at

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