
Baby Buzz: Turning Everyday Moments Into Moments Of Discovery
Feb 21, 2008, 20:40

(NAPSI)-Whether trekking to the grocery store, tackling laundry or racing to a meeting, today's parents are busier than ever. As the frenzied pace of daily life becomes the acceptable norm, parents feel it is increasingly difficult to spend quality time with their children, especially infants.

However, according to child development expert Dr. Karen Hill Scott, by rethinking their daily routines, parents can transform their "to do" list into quality time with their baby.

"Many parents don't realize that mundane tasks-like changing diapers, cleaning, or running errands-can be turned into meaningful time together," says Dr. Hill Scott.

"Parent-child interaction is a key building block for the development of a healthy, happy baby. If we rethink how we approach everyday tasks, parents will likely discover that 'must do' items can become a chance to interact with baby in a very enjoyable way."

To help parents identify easy ways to turn everyday moments into moments of discovery, Dr. Hill Scott shares the following tips:


Mealtime with babies is often an exercise in patience. It's hard to imagine that it takes a half hour to drink a bottle or to nurse, but enjoy this time by playing soft music, singing or talking as you hold your baby.

Make mealtime fun for older infants eating solids by talking about the food and commenting on the color and shape; or enlist the support of a puppet and play a game where the food on the spoon is an airplane coming in for a landing in baby's mouth.

Grocery Shopping

View grocery shopping the same way your baby does-as an exciting adventure full of new sights, smells and sounds. Ask your infant questions about his favorite foods; let him touch the fuzzy kiwis and bumpy pineapple; talk about the difference between the cold frozen-food section and the warm steaming soups. Remember, around every grocery store aisle is a magical new discovery.

Household Chores

While it can be challenging to accomplish household chores when little ones are awake, try engaging your children during tasks, such as laundry or housekeeping. Tell your baby what you are doing and let him feel the dampness of clothes from the washer and the warmth of clothes from the dryer.

For toddlers, let them help sort clothes into piles and ask them to find mommy's shirt. When cleaning, give your child a diaper wipe or damp paper towel to "clean" surfaces. While housework may be dull and tiresome to parents, little ones find these tasks fascinating.

Bath Time

Most babies love a nice warm bath and their very special one-on-one time. Talk, make faces and explain what you are doing as you bathe your baby. Help her identify body parts by putting soap bubbles on her ears, tummy or chin and saying the body part name.

Give your baby a shower mirror so she can giggle at her reflection. When your baby can sit up comfortably, extend her enjoyment of the water by playing together with lots of water toys and water paints.

Quiet Time

Children thrive on routines, and carving out quiet time is an important part of each day. Consider playing a favorite Baby Einstein music CD as you quietly sit with your baby and talk about your new discoveries made that day. Pick a special book that your little one loves and read it every night to signal that it's time to transition into "calm down" time. Your baby will enjoy this special time even more than you do.

For more tips from Dr. Karen Hill Scott on parent-child interaction or to share your personal stories about creating meaningful moments of discovery with your baby, visit

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