
How to Become a Mother Without Losing Yourself
Apr 4, 2007, 22:12

(ARA) - If you’re a mom-to-be, what would you like your friends and family to get you for Mother’s Day? Most people would say a gift for the baby would be great, but according to the authors of the new book “Baby on Board: Becoming a Mother Without Losing Yourself - A Guide for Moms-to-Be” what they should be saying is “Get something nice for me!”

Joelle Jay of Reno, Nev., and Amy Kovarick of Santa Barbara, Calif., believe that women deserve as much attention as their babies and should make the effort to get it. “Too many women spend their entire pregnancy focused on things that involve only the baby -- childbirth, baby care, decorating the nursery, toys, etc. -- and forget about their own needs. What they also need to focus on is figuring out what motherhood means to them personally, and ensuring they don’t lose their sense of themselves so they can bring their best to motherhood,” says Kovarick.

And she should know. Five years ago, Kovarick left a high tech career where she was working 70 or 80 hours a week and decided to create the type of life she’d want to bring a child into. She and her business partner Jay, who was in a similar situation, started up Empowered Motherhood, a coaching company that helps mothers across the country successfully transition to motherhood.

Today, Jay and Kovarick practice what they preach, balancing their career passions with Jay’s 4-year old son, Jackson and 18-month old son, Adam Morgan and Kovarick’s 15-month-old son, Matthew.

“The techniques we use in our coaching sessions have been so successful we were eager to share with women across the country,” says Kovarick. Their book, “Baby on Board” offers a step-by-step guide that will help readers figure out how to achieve balance and fulfillment as they juggle a career, family demands, expectations and their own needs and dreams in their new life as a mother.

“If I had to boil it all down, there are ten tips I’d offer for becoming a mother without losing yourself,” says Kovarick. “Here are my favorite three:”

Tip #1

Remember that taking care of yourself has everything to do with being a good mother. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking it is okay if you come in last. It isn’t. You need to be available for your baby and your family; you need to be energized and whole; you need to be fulfilled and complete so that you can give to the people you love.

Tip #2

Let go of half the stuff you are trying to do. Not only is this important after the baby arrives, but right now as well. You need the time and space to truly prepare for your new life.

Tip #3

Make your own rules. Be a mom on your terms. You have something unique to offer the sisterhood of motherhood. Bring your creativity, special gifts and perspective on the world.

And as for the perfect Mother’s Day gift for the mother-to-be, Kovarick says she’s sure to appreciate a spa certificate that gives her an excuse to pamper herself, or a candlelight dinner alone with the dad-to-be. Once baby arrives, both will be feats that are hard to achieve.

“Baby on Board” is available for purchase at bookstores nationwide, or you can buy it at online booksellers. For more tips about becoming a mother without losing yourself, log on to Kovarick’s Web site:

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