
Becoming Water Wise
Aug 11, 2007, 17:54

(NC)-Although water is one of the most abundant resources in Canada, it is also one of the most mistreated. Simple lifestyle changes can make a huge impact on water conservation.

"We have found that many consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious about their personal footprint and the affect it has on the planet," says Anita Griffin, brand manager for Delta Faucet and Brizo. "This growing trend is shifting how we approach the development of our new products, and is in line with the water-saving products we have in our collection."

Consider the following water-saving tips next time you are looking for ways to be more water wise:

. Make Every Drop Count: Evaluate the plumbing in your home for moisture and repair any leaking faucets, toilets or pipes. Installing new fixtures with low-flow, low-volume capabilities, like Delta Faucet's Water Efficient Showerhead, can save over 30 per cent of the usual water flow for a shower. Also consider changing the aerators on your faucet from the standard 2.5 gpm to a lower flow 1.5, especially in the bathroom.

. The Real Green Thumb: Naturalize your yard using plants, trees and shrubs that are indigenous to your region and don't need a lot of water. If you have to water, do it during the coolest part of the day or at night to minimize evaporation. Put a rain barrel on your downspouts and use this water for irrigation. These cisterns come in all shapes and sizes, and will add a country farm feeling to your garden.

. The Everyday Conservationist: Changing the way you do simple activities, like turning off the tap while you're brushing your teeth or shaving, is a quick and easy way to conserve. The stylish hands-free Pascal kitchen faucet from Brizo helps conserve water by automatically turning off once you move your hands away from the spout.

. Some Like It Hot: While waiting for hot water from the faucet, save the cold for drinking, cooking or watering plants. Consider installing a tankless water heater, capable of providing an instant, endless supply of hot water. These systems work on-demand and don't require a holding tank to store pre-warmed water.

. The Water Watcher: Be on the look out in your neighborhood for broken pipes, open hydrants and excessive waste. Don't be shy about pointing out leaks and drips to your friends and family members. They may not even realize they have a water-wasting fixture right under their nose.

More information is available at and

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