
Lawns and Gardens
What's Bugging You?
By Lance Walheim
Sep 25, 2005, 12:55

(NUI) - Bugs. They're everywhere - more than a million species of insects to be exact. Most are beneficial. But some bugs can damage your home and impact your family's health.

Consider these facts:

* Cockroaches can spread at least 33 kinds of bacteria and six kinds of parasitic worms.

* Wood-destroying insects (termites and carpenter ants) cause structural damage in excess of $5 billion per year.

* Flea bites can cause dermatitis.

* Ants can infest stored food.

* Most spiders are harmless, but, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 10,000 spider bites are reported annually. About 20 percent come from brown recluse spiders - one of six poisonous spiders in the United States. A wound from one of these spiders can grow to 10 inches in diameter and take months to heal.

The best way to control pests is to prevent them from entering your home. This is accomplished by removing the things that attract pests:

* Fix leaky plumbing and don't let water accumulate anywhere in and around your home.

* Store food in sealed glass or plastic containers.

* Keep the kitchen free of cooking grease and food


* Caulk cracks and crevices to control pest access.

* Bathe pets regularly so they don't carry fleas and ticks into your home.

For years, the ingredients Dursban and diazinon have been popular chemicals for getting rid of insects. But now Dursban is no longer available and diazinon is being phased out, so consumers are looking for alternatives.

One to consider is Bayer Advanced Home Pest Control, which contains cyfluthrin - a new-generation pesticide. It kills ants, roaches, termites, fleas, spiders and a broad range of other insects for up to nine months indoors and creates a barrier to keep bugs out.

Spray it into cracks and crevices, and other places insects hide indoors. Outdoors, just spray a 3- to 4-foot-wide band alongside the foundation of your home, as well as around windows and doors.

To learn more about caring for your lawn, garden and home and about discounts on various Bayer Advanced products, visit or call 1-877-BAYERAH.
Lance Walheim is a gardening expert for Bayer Advanced products.

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