
Gadgets and Gizmos
Capturing Your Child's Holiday Memories
Nov 4, 2006, 11:40

(NC)-Winter is the perfect backdrop to capture lasting family memories. With its festive colours, holiday get-togethers and snow-filled activities, this time of year provides a great opportunity to practice some creative digital family photography. Yet many parents are in the dark when it comes to snapping that great winter photo.

Because children are quick-moving by nature, a digital camera will also allow you to catch them on the go. With a number of winter activities that involve speed - like skiing or skating - it is important to have a camera that will capture those action shots. Many of today's digital cameras have built-in flexibility which allows you to immediately delete any pictures that are not up to par. So go ahead - shoot without the fear of wasting film on blurry or missed shots. Some cameras, like Fujifilm's F30 model, even have specific technology that virtually eliminates blurry photos, or those that are too dark. Look for these features when purchasing your next camera.

In order to take great holiday pictures of your little ones, here are a few tips to help you along the way:

. Stay close: For babies and young children, keep a parent nearby in order to distract the child's attention from the camera. This will allow for a more natural-looking picture.

. Lay low: Kneel or lie down at your child's level for a more intimate and closer view of your subject.

. Use that LCD screen: Children (including toddlers and babies) love to see images of themselves, so show them the results after you have taken the picture. It will give them incentive to pose for the next round of shots.

. A different view: Shoot everyday objects and people from your child's perspective. It will give an interesting and fresh feeling to your pictures.

. Winter white out: Ever taken a photo of the family ski trip and have the snow look grey in the prints? Taking photos in the snow is tricky. Check your digital camera for a snow or winter setting feature. This feature helps corrects the camera's white balance and lowers the exposure value to avoid over-exposing the image.

. No picture is set in stone: Don't be afraid to experiment with your camera's different features. Remember: you can always delete any unwanted images.

That perfect photograph of your little ones enjoying the winter is just one click away. More information is available online at

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