
New Parents Get the Scoop on Cat Litter
Sep 25, 2005, 12:53

(NUI) - Before bringing home a baby, parents are concerned about making everything in their home's environment as clean and pristine as possible.

From using paint that's low in volatile organic compounds on the walls of the nursery to switching to nontoxic cleaning supplies, many parents strive to introduce the newest member of the family to a house that is safe and chemical-free. But what about the little things they may overlook - like cat litter?

"I'm amazed at the sheer volume of chemicals most people bring into their homes without even realizing it," said Dr. Alan Greene, a pediatrician and member of the clinical faculty at Stanford University School of Medicine. "One of our important jobs as parents is to rid our homes of unnecessary chemicals that might harm our children. Thankfully, excellent natural, chemical-free alternatives are now available."

One alternative for those who own cats is Swheat Scoop Natural Wheat Litter. Many conventional litters are made of clay and contain chemical additives and fragrances for odor control as well as sodium bentonite for clumping. In contrast, Swheat Scoop is a unique clumping litter that's made from naturally processed wheat.

Swheat Scoop's natural wheat enzymes work to eliminate rather than mask litter box odors and wheat starches form firm clumps to make cleanups easy.

Swheat Scoop is clay-free, chemical-free and fragrance-free as well as flushable and biodegradable. All of these features make it a logical choice for new parents concerned with the purity of their newborn's indoor environment.

This litter also is nontoxic if accidentally swallowed. Additionally, its granular texture means less tracking around the house, and it doesn't raise a cloud of dust when poured.

"Most parents think about baby-proofing their homes when babies begin to crawl, but ridding the home of toxic chemicals that can be inhaled is important to do even before bringing your baby home from the hospital," Greene said.

To learn more about Swheat Scoop Natural Wheat Litter, visit or call 1-800-SWHEATS (794-3287).

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