
Quick Cleaning Tips Take The "Work" Out Of Housework
Nov 15, 2005, 21:06

(NAPSI)-For many, the need to clean the house is met with procrastination, complaints and excuses. And who can argue? Cleaning can be a dirty, time-consuming job, after all. According to the United States Department of Labor, the average American spends more than 10 hours each week maintaining the home.

For those who would rather spend that time doing anything else-and can't justify hiring a professional cleaning service-quick cleaning shortcuts and the right cleaning tools can take some of the "work" out of housework.

"The trick is to clean smarter, not harder," says domestic guru Donna Smallin, author of Organizing Plain and Simple and soon-to-be-released Cleaning Plain & Simple. "It's also far easier to clean an uncluttered home."

Smallin says one of the first steps to cleaning house is to grab a trash bag and go room to room to get rid of anything that's clearly garbage: piles of expired coupons, stacks of old magazines and newspapers, crooked cooking utensils, and broken items that are unfixable. When it comes to taming your trash-particularly big, bulky items-try new Glad Force-Flex Quick-Tie trash bags. The unique diamond-textured bag prevents rips and tears by stretching around large, odd-shaped trash, like oversize pizza boxes, as well as sharp, pointy items, like wire hangers. And the four Quick-Tie flaps make closure a cinch.

These trash bags can also be used to contain items you may want to donate or give away. Stuff them with children's toys for holiday charity drives, baby clothes to pass on to a pregnant friend or bulky old coats that are taking up space in your closets. Simply label bags with masking tape and a marker to identify the contents.

Smallin offers these additional shortcuts to quick cleaning:

• Daily organizing is the best line of defense against clutter. Before you set something down, ask yourself, "Is this where it belongs?" If not, take an extra minute or two to put it in its place.

• Keep cleaning supplies organized in a bucket that can be carried from room to room-or store cleaning supplies in multiple locations-such as the kitchen, bathroom and basement.

• Organize your laundry room and clean the closets. It makes chores more pleasant when you can easily reach the supplies you need without getting hit on the head with dust mops and brooms.

• Make your bed every morning. It instantly neatens your bedroom.

• Out of cleaning solution and don't have time to go to the store? For a quick window cleaner, mix 3 tablespoons of ammonia, 1 tablespoon of white vinegar, and enough water to fill a 16-ounce spray bottle. An easy dusting solution can be made with 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil and 1/2 cup of vinegar or lemon juice in a plastic spray bottle. Shake well. Spray onto a microfiber or flannel cloth. The vinegar or lemon juice cleans the wood, and the oil lubricates it.

• Plan ahead to cut down on actual cleaning time. In the bathroom, spray toilet cleaner in the bowl and let it start working while you wipe down the counters and sink. In the shower, turn on the hot water for a moment to help loosen dirt and grime before cleaning.

• Combine lemon juice and water in a microwave-safe bowl and boil for a few minutes in the microwave. The steam will loosen food splatters so all you have to do is wipe the microwave down with a damp cloth.

• Get a trash bag that stretches to accommodate all your household clutter. Glad ForceFlex trash bags-now with Quick-Tie flaps-are up to the task. Fill it, stretch it and stuff it with just about anything you need to throw away.

For more information about Glad ForceFlex Quick-Tie trash bags, visit

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