
Cleaning Up For The Big Move
Sep 7, 2005, 23:32

(NAPSI)-Whether it's across town or across country, each year millions of people make the big decision to pack up their stuff and move-which, according to many professional organizers, provides the best opportunity to finally get organized.

"Moving time is the best time to install that new master bedroom closet, kitchen pantry, garage storage area or laundry room," said Linda Koopersmith, author of the new book "Home Organizing Bible" and cohost of Style Network's television show "Clean House." "That's the beauty of moving, the new place is completely empty, a blank slate waiting to be created…and organized." Koopersmith encourages people moving to envision their dream storage solution, then create it before the new place becomes even more cluttered than their previous house.

"Before packing, carefully evaluate all household items, like that never-been-used garden tool," said Craig Moeller of ClosetMaid.

Another key to organizing the new home is developing a detailed "home organization plan" for each new room. One effective tool for storage and organization planning is the ClosetMaid Visual Storage Planner, an interactive program on the company's newly revamped Web site.

"Being organized in your new home means having a plan that includes taking only what you need from the old place," says Linda Rothschild, former president of the National Association of Professional Organizers and owner of New York-based Cross It Off Your List, a professional organizing company. "Homeowners can dispose of clutter by simply giving things to friends or local charities, having a garage sale or throwing out all unwanted household items. Otherwise people find themselves right back where they started, with tons of out-of-control clutter filling up their new place."

What about homeowners who after disposing of clutter still find themselves with a lot of stuff going to the new house? "That's simple," said Barry Izsak, current president of the National Association of Professional Organizers and author of the new book, "Organize Your Garage In No Time." "Before the move begins, homeowners should designate all items they plan to take but won't initially be using in the new home, such as out-of-season clothing, sporting items or holiday decorations. Such items are perfect for storing in the garage."

If properly planned, the new garage can be the perfect storage solution by installing products such as garage hooks, racks and shelving. Many people choose the ClosetMaid Maximum Load ShelfTrack system for their garage storage solution needs.

For more information, go to or call 1-800-874-0008.

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