
Coming Clean About Vacuums And The Five-Second Rule
Sep 8, 2005, 14:42

(NAPSI)- There's good news and bad news for those who follow the five-second rule. You know, the practice of eating food that's fallen and been on the floor for five seconds or less.

The bad news first. Studies show a carpet can hide as much as 10 times its own weight in dirt and that the average family tracks roughly three pounds of dirt into their homes each week.

According to Erin Sanchez, marketing director of communications for Electrolux Home Care Products (EHCP) North America, this means eating food from the floor doesn't seem much cleaner than eating it from a public sidewalk.

The good news, says Sanchez, is that there are ways homeowners can clean up their act when it comes to their floors. She offers these tips for achieving floors that are "clean enough to eat off of" in two of the most highly trafficked areas in the home-the kitchen and the living room.

• For the kitchen, use a hard-surface vacuum at least once a week, Some vacuums, such as Electrolux's Pronto 2-in-1 cordless that doubles as a stick and detachable hand vacuum, are designed for cleanups on floors, on countertops, under cabinets and tables, in pantries and more.

• "Mops and brooms tend to scatter dirt around the floor without really picking it up," explains Sanchez. "Instead, vacuum first to get the dirt and then use a cleaning solution to eliminate germs."

• In the living room, the key is to vacuum in and around all furniture. "Many people eat in front of the television, so sofas, coffee tables and the floor around these furnishings tend to be dirtier than in other areas," says Sanchez. "These also are the very spots where most food is dropped and then eaten, so it's important to clean these areas thoroughly."

• Vacuum all living room floor and furniture surfaces at least once a week and give high-traffic areas a "touch-up" during the week to ensure they're clean.

"In the living room, it's best to use a lightweight design with an assortment of multisurface cleaning tools, so you can tackle furniture, stairs and floors at the same time," she advises.

A design she recommends is the Eureka Optima, an upright that is half the weight of a traditional vacuum and features a variety of tools as well as a special "O"-shaped handle for better maneuvering.

"I know a lot of people who would never throw out a cookie or piece of candy just because it fell on the floor for a few seconds," says Sanchez.

"Now they can have their cake and eat it, too, thanks to specially designed vacuums." New vacuum designs include distinctive handles to increase maneuverability.

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