
Lawns and Gardens
Concrete Products Give Homes 'Curb Appeal'
Jan 21, 2006, 23:12

(NewsUSA) - You never get a second chance to make a first impression. It's a small piece of advice that becomes ever more valuable when you're trying to sell your home.

The first impression your home leaves is based on its "curb appeal," which correlates directly to the home's perceived value. In fact, attractive, high-quality landscaping can lead to a 100 percent return on investment when a home is sold.

Finding quality home-improvement products is the first step in creating an appealing yard. Concrete segmental retaining walls, for example, are aesthetically attractive and boast the following attributes:

* Durability. Unlike timber products, concrete segmental retaining walls are resistant to rotting and infestation by rodents or insects.

* Easy maintenance. They do not need to be stained or treated like timber or other products.

* Design flexibility. Segmental retaining walls come in a variety of sizes and styles, enabling you to create unique designs to set your home apart from the rest.

You can choose walls that have a rugged, natural appearance or a tumbled, Old World surface. There's a design for any taste and any type of home.

* Environmental friendliness. Concrete segmental retaining walls are made of all-natural materials. Unlike wood treated with chromated copper arsenate (CCA), concrete segmental retaining walls do not pose a health hazard to the environment or to you and your family.

According to experts at the National Concrete Masonry Association, segmental retaining walls have always offered the best value per dollar among landscaping alternatives.

For more information about concrete segmental retaining walls, visit

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