
Household Hints
Conquering Closet Clutter
Dec 23, 2007, 01:23

(NAPSI)-Sometimes it's hard to hang up favorite old outfits. In fact, we've probably all been guilty of it: Hanging on to flip-flops from summers ago; keeping a favorite dress from college; wearing bras that are itchy and don't fit.

Think women need a stylist just for the red carpet? Celebrity stylist Jen Rade says think again. She shares her tips on how to clear the clutter and conquer your closet.

What Goes On And Out First?

When getting rid of clothes, Rade says most women ask themselves "Does this make me look and feel good?"

But, she says, for some reason, they don't ask themselves this same question about what they put on first every day: their bras. Rade comments, "Every great wardrobe starts with a great foundation.

Purge bras over one year old and buy at least three new ones, such as the Hanes All-Over Comfort Bras with ComfortSoft straps. Women need a bra that is comfortable, gives a flattering lift and encourages shapely curves."

One In, One Out

Now that you're comfortable, it's time to "bounce" your closet. Use the same one-in, one-out rule enforced at the trendiest hot spots. Any time you buy a pair of jeans, one pair has to go.

Same goes for shoes, black pants, etc. Women clean their clutter by getting rid of unwanted items and are able to do a good deed by donating discarded pieces to charity.

Rediscover Your Style

"Where is my style? It used to be behind my flats," says Rade. "A cluttered closet can cause a cluttered sense of style." Chances are, that "huge" trend last season will be on the "don't" list next season. Save money and prevent clutter by sticking to your individual style.

Rade says, "I'm a strong believer that women should evolve and have fun with fashion, but I also believe most of us have an inherent 'look' we always come back to." From preppy to urban, modern to feminine, women can usually sum up their personal style in a few words.

While still leaving some room (maybe half a shelf) to test out a trend or two, remembering your core style can help you steer clear of pieces you only wear once, but guiltily hang on to.

"As much as you may try to fool yourself, a full closet doesn't necessarily mean a versatile fashion sense," says Rade. "Conquer your closet by starting with the foundation and work up and out. In the end, you'll have your sanity and style back, and a clean closet will reign."

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