
Considering An Injectable Face Fix? What To Know Before You Go
Jan 17, 2008, 22:56

(NAPSI)-For women and men in their 30s, 40s and beyond, injectable dermal fillers may delay the need for invasive plastic surgery.

Whether it's a fear of going under the knife, budget limitations or a desire to avoid looking overdone, discerning consumers are embracing nonsurgical dermal fillers to keep them looking young, vibrant and natural-without long recovery periods or extreme results.

In fact, according to Millennium Research Group, the patient population using cosmetic injectables, including dermal fillers, is expected to more than double by 2011.

Despite the growing popularity of these treatments, it's important to keep safety a priority and do some research before you head to the doctor's office.

Hyaluronic Acid-A Top Filler Choice

You may not have heard about hyaluronic acid dermal fillers yet, but according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, they recently rounded out the list of the top-five cosmetic procedures.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance in the human body that provides volume and fullness to the skin. The maker of Restylane® brought Perlane® to the U.S. in 2007. Perlane lasts at least six months in a majority of patients and provides natural-looking results, typically in just one office visit. Perlane is manufactured synthetically and is not created from animals such as cows or pigs.

"I had been aging fairly well, but after my 50th birthday, I went to my plastic surgeon to explore conservative treatments that could help restore my youthful appearance," said Meg Lane. "I tried Perlane and couldn't have been happier with the results. Since my recovery time was so minimal, nobody assumed that I had anything done."

Smart Tips for Patients-Get the Facts Before You Commit

As more anti-aging procedures such as dermal fillers enter the market, it is important for men and women to make informed decisions when choosing a cosmetic procedure, product or physician.

Here are some helpful tips for choosing a physician and making sure you are getting the treatment you want:

• Always consult with a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon.

• Get physician referrals from friends who are happy with their treatments and who look good.

• Whatever you do, never have a filler treatment administered by someone whose qualifications you are not sure about.

Once you've selected a physician you trust and who has discussed treatment options with you, make sure you take the proper precautions to prepare for your appointment.

• Avoid using St. John's Wort, high doses of vitamin E supplements, aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen prior to treatment, as these may increase bruising or bleeding at the injection site.

• If you've had facial cold sores, discuss this with your doctor-he or she may want to prescribe a medication to minimize recurrence.

• When you are at your doctor's office, make sure you are getting genuine FDA-approved Perlane. Many cosmetic injectable boxes have holograms to ensure the safety and legitimacy of the products.

For more information on dermal fillers and to find a doctor near you, visit

Important Safety Considerations for Perlane®

Perlane® restores volume and fullness to the skin to correct moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth (nasolabial folds). After your treatment you might have some swelling, redness, pain, bruising and tenderness. This will normally last less than seven days. Although rare, red or swollen small bumps may occur. If you have had facial cold sores before, an injection can cause another outbreak. In rare circumstances, the doctor may inject into a blood vessel, which can damage the skin. To avoid bruising and bleeding, you should not use Perlane if you have recently used drugs that thin your blood or prevent clotting. If you are pregnant, breast-feeding or under 18, you should not use Perlane.

Perlane should not be used by people with previous bad allergies, particularly to certain microorganisms known as gram positive bacteria; by people with previous bad allergies to drugs that have required in-hospital treatment; or by people with bleeding disorders. Perlane should not be injected anywhere except the skin or just under the skin.

The use of Perlane at the site of skin sores, pimples, rashes, hives, cysts or infection should be postponed until healing is complete. Use of Perlane in these instances could delay healing or make your skin problems worse.

Perlane is available only through a licensed practitioner. For complete product and safety information, visit

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