
Country Artist Appeals For Blood Donations
By Tim McGraw
Sep 9, 2005, 00:44

(NAPSI)-What if your mom, best friend or next door neighbor needed blood? You'd want blood to be available when they needed it.

Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood-accident victims, cancer patients, people with blood disorders or other illnesses-but only a small percentage of those who are eligible to donate blood actually give blood.

You can be a hero, helping those in need in your community and across the country. It doesn't take long-only about an hour. And, it has the potential to save the lives of up to three people.

I've joined forces with State Farm® and the American Red Cross in a public service campaign, called Neighbors Give Life™, to help raise awareness about the importance of giving blood. Your blood donation could make a real difference for someone in need of blood.

Eligible donors can give blood up to six times a year. To donate blood, individuals must meet the following general guidelines:

• Be at least 17 years old

• Weigh at least 110 pounds

• Be in good health

It's time for us to band together, roll up our sleeves and help save a life. Make an appointment to donate or visit a local blood drive. It's an easy way to pay kindness forward to your neighbors. I hope you'll join me in giving the gift of life, and visit to learn more about blood donations.

• Tim McGraw is a national celebrity with active involvement in the music and film industries and a charter member of the American Red Cross National Celebrity Cabinet. Partnering with State Farm and the American Red Cross, he is the spokesperson for the Neighbors Give Life™ campaign, which challenges neighbors to give the gift of life by donating blood. McGraw is also a devoted father of three girls ages 3, 6 and 7 and husband to nationally renowned superstar Faith Hill.

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