
Green Living
Create an Organic Room for a Healthy Baby
Jul 25, 2008, 19:52

Create an Organic Room for a Healthy Baby

There are few activities more pleasant for expectant parents than preparing a nursery.

When choosing the furnishings and toys, it is important to keep in mind that some materials may be bad for babies.

These potentially harmful elements must be carefully avoided to ensure your precious bundle’s future health and happiness.

Just Go VOC-Free

A good paint finish requires the correct consistency and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are used to achieve this. A few of these chemicals are potentially carcinogenic. Not only can they harm the liver or kidneys, they can also cause respiratory problems, headaches or dizzy spells. Safe paints can be purchased from manufacturers such as, and many of these companies can be found online.

Brand New is Bad for Baby

Freshly manufactured furnishings give off a toxic chemical called formaldehyde, which can damage the nervous system. You are better off with second hand furniture or unused but warehoused pieces. Make sure that there are no safety issues as some older designs may contain toxic paints or dangerous parts. The one exception to the "Eschew New" rule are car seats, as the newest ones have the safest features. The cover fabric usually retains residual chemicals, check the manual for the suggested washing process.

Optimal Baby Beds

There are two options for infant sleeping arrangements. You can either sleep together or apart. Read up on safety precautions if you let him sleep in your bed. On the other hand, if you plan on buying him his own, examine the mattress carefully. Polyurethane foams, polyester, toulene, formaldehyde, and flame retardant chemicals could have been used during manufacture. Some of these may escape as fumes and cause neurological damage.

Obtaining a mattress that is completely safe is crucial to your baby’s health. Your baby will spend a considerable amount of time in bed, so ensuring his complete safety is paramount. Many companies sell natural bedding and it is easy to find one in your area using the Internet. Accept only organic components that have not been chemically treated, like cotton or rubber and refuse the synthetics.

Selecting Safer Playthings

Don’t believe the hype about toys and videos that are supposed to make your babies smarter. Experts are finding out that the best way is the natural way. Stimulate your baby by exposing him to as much human contact and interaction as possible. Breastfeed; the touch of skin on skin and the feeling of closeness to another person stimulate different parts of the brain. The sound of human voices also contribute to higher IQs, so don’t stop talking and singing to your baby.

Shy away from plastic toys that may contain carcinogenic and toxic polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Instead, select solid wooden toys or those made from organic cloths like silk and cotton. This way you avoid harmful chemical adhesives and additives.

Baby-safe furnishings are now readily available from companies both locally and online. There is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to create a baby room that is both healthful and beautiful.

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