
Creative, Inexpensive Decorating Tips Help Spring New Life into Your Home
Mar 1, 2006, 17:21

(ARA) - Ah, spring, it’s almost time to let your hair down, step outside, breathe in the fresh air and have some good old-fashioned fun. Or, in some cases, it may be time to start your spring home decorating projects.

The promise of the warm weather and longer days has the tendency to make almost all of us want to spruce up our homes with updated décor. With that in mind, the following are some inexpensive and highly effective ways to motivate you, while making the most of your spring decorating dollars:

Add an area rug. Unlike wall-to-wall carpet, area rugs can bring colorful designs and patterns into your room without overwhelming it, and once you buy them they are yours to keep; as you can take them with you if you move. Area rugs can be well used by the frugal decorator, as they’re extremely versatile, and can serve many purposes. For example, they can start off in the living room, move to the family room or bedroom, and eventually end up in the garage or an indoor/outdoor room.

Punch up the color with paint. Painting is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to transform a room. So, if you’re thinking of painting but are hesitant about covering the walls of an entire room with a brighter color, Pratt & Lambert Color Marketing Manager Peggy Van Allen says there are plenty of ways to experiment with color -- even before putting it on your walls.

“There are numerous tools on the market that can help tap into a consumer’s imagination by assisting them in envisioning how a color can change the look and feel of a room,” said Van Allen.

One new way is with the Pratt & Lambert Inspiration Cards. They provide an extra boost of confidence when pulling colors together by showcasing photographs of how professionals combine colors on walls, trim and accent areas in various rooms. And, each of the 16 cards contain the exact color chips used to create the room design, along with tips to help consumers easily achieve the same look in their own home.

Try on a slip cover. If your furniture is tired and worn looking, or you need to match your new wall color with your furniture, you can lighten and brighten chairs, loveseats and couches with the creative use of slip covers. For less than $100 dollars, you can either make your own, or buy them at your local home outlet store. It’s amazing how an old piece of furniture can take on new life with a little help.

Give windows the treatment. If your draperies are heavy and dark, it won’t matter what color your walls or furniture are. So, shop the sales for some sheers and taffeta panels that can help brighten a room. Discount stores are great resources for inexpensive panels and curtains. Try adding something light with a beaded fringe to include a little sparkle and a bit of whimsy.

Lighten up. One sure way to quickly freshen up a room’s décor is by replacing outdated lamp fixtures. For an entirely new look, this can be accomplished by replacing old shades. Or, try re-decorating your existing lamp shades by applying fabric paint or using a hot glue gun to embellish shades with beads, feathers or other ornaments.

Tidy up and organize. During the winter our homes tend to become filled with lots of bulk and piles of things. While spring cleaning, bring in new wicker baskets or decorative storage boxes to hide away those items that have accumulated during the winter months. This will allow you to have the tidy, minimalist look we often associate with spring.

According to Van Allen, “Just remember, spring decorating doesn’t have to break your budget. Small, cost-effective improvements can really make a difference in your home’s overall appearance, and most importantly how you feel about your surroundings.” Courtesy of ARA Content

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