
Household Hints
Extra Warmth: When And Where You Need It
Dec 20, 2007, 23:46

(NAPSI)-According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average temperature this winter is expected to be four degrees colder than last year, and home-heating costs are predicted to increase as much as 10 percent for natural gas and 22 percent for oil compared to last winter.

Fortunately, rising prices and decreasing temperatures don't have to leave cost-conscious consumers out in the cold. Here are a few tips to help save energy and money:

• Get your furnace inspected to be sure it is working at maximum efficiency.

• Use weather stripping around doors to prevent cold air from entering. Caulk windows and replace cracked glass.

• Make sure you have adequate attic insulation.

• If your home has a basement, consider covering windows with plastic shields.

• According to the Edison Electric Institute, if you turn down the thermostat by 15 degrees for 8 hours each night, you can save up to 10 percent a year on your heating bill. Sunbeam Bedding has a variety of heated blankets and mattress pads that include the latest in warming technologies.

• While central heating systems warm the whole home, most people tend to spend the majority of time in only a few rooms. Use space heaters to target warmth in the rooms most frequented.

Space heaters can also provide heat quickly and efficiently during a cold snap in a milder climate, or to delay the need to heat the whole home.

When selecting a space heater, energy efficiency is key. For example, Holmes® heaters quickly warm a room and will help stretch a person's heating dollar. Holmes heaters with Eco-Smart™ technology provide even more energy efficiency by cycling between wattages while supplying continuous warmth. This innovation allows heaters to use 25 percent less energy than other space heaters.

One such Eco-Smart model is the Holmes Energy Efficient Heater, a compact and portable space heater designed to move easily from room to room. This heater also includes a 4-hour timer to ensure the heater is off when no longer in use and is good for taking the chill out of small or midsize rooms.

For the eco-conscious consumer, the Water Filled Radiator Heater is also an excellent choice. The heater saves energy by cycling between wattages, and also uses a water-based solution that's anti-corrosive and noncombustible.

The heaters can be found at major retailers, specialty stores and

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