
Family Night Ideas
Feb 19, 2007, 23:06

Families today are spending less time together. With both parents working, and with children involved in many activities there is not enough time in the day to sit together as a family and relax. It is so important to share the highlights and lows of your child's day. You should think about making sure your family spends one evening together to talk and have some fun.

Start a new family tradition. Make one evening a week a special time for just your family. You can go out together or you can stay at home and play and talk all night.

How about playing a board game. Monopoly and Scrabble are two great games. Everyone will have fun, and the kids can learn a few new things too. Math and spelling can be very enjoyable when your learning as you have fun. The kids will laugh when they beat Mom and Dad too!

If the weather allows it you can always go to a park and fly some kites. This is an activity that everyone enjoys, wether its the actual flying of the kite, or just watching as the kite soars high into the sky.

If the weather is lousy, you can stay home and play. Do you remember when you were small and you made a fort in your living room? Well, your kids will enjoy it just as much as you did. Make dinner an easy one, and eat it in the comfort of your fort. You can swap stories, and tell jokes.

Feel like being more active? How about playing some sports? You can get the baseball and bats, or the horse shoes, badminton rackets, whatever equipment you have. Go out in the fresh air and have yourselves a blast. There is always the bicycle. It always fun to go take a ride through the neighborhood.

Another old standby is baking some cookies. Everyone can make their own favorites and then you can have a tasting when you are through.

Charades is another old time favorite game. It can be so funny trying to understand the clues your team is trying to give you.

You can always just have dinner together, inside or a picnic outside. Or a barbeque, complete with marshmallows browned over the camp fire.

You can always do a craft with your family. You can get family scrapbook started, and have everyone help fill the pages with pictures and comments. You can also get everyone an individual scrapbook, and let each person do a little work and then share the completed pages with each other. This can be great fun for now, and it will also become a family heirloom to be enjoyed over the years.

Whatever you decide to do with your family, it will be fun, and it will help you all to become closer. It will be making cherished memories for all, and a great today!

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