
The Art Of Fragrance Application
Nov 3, 2005, 20:48

(NAPSI)-Fragrance can be an integral part of one's persona just as much as one's type of skin, hair or smile. A special touch of fragrance can make an unforgettable impression on others...or if used improperly, a devastating encounter. To make the most out of your perfume and personal image, don't chance a fragrance faux pas. Follow these tips on fragrance application all the way to savvy chic.

All Day Aroma

With busy schedules, everyone wants a fragrance that lasts throughout the day. According to the Fragrance Foundation, a non-profit organization of the fragrance industry, the best way to ensure that fragrance lasts is to layer it. For example, for the first layer, begin with a bath/shower gel to cleanse pores and lay the foundation for your fragrance. Follow this step with a scented body lotion to hydrate the skin. Finish off with a light body spray or eau de toilet. Layering evenly disperses the scent and avoids heavy concentration on pulse points where most people spray perfume.

Best Picks

When possible, look for product collections formulated for layering. One of the latest is All My Children Fusion, a new line of products bringing fantasy to reality from the set of ABC's "All My Children." Just like the daytime divas on the show, All My Children Fusion is fun, sassy and alluring, with notes of mandarin, freesia, jasmine, sandalwood and musk. For fast, fun touchups it also offers a portable shimmer fragrance stick for layering throughout the day.

Choosing A Fragrance That's Right For You

With so many scents to pick from, finding the right products to create that signature scent is another way to enhance personal style. It's important to keep in mind that perfume smells different on each person, determined by each person's unique body chemistry. Always remember to try perfume/cologne before purchase and never test more than three scents at a time. After three, the average nose cannot differentiate among fragrances.

Fun Fact

The word "perfume" is a derivative of the Latin word "parfumare" meaning "through smoke." Like smoke, perfume rises when you spray it. For even application, experts recommend starting at the ankles and working your way up the body, lightly spritzing on knees, belly, wrists and pulse points. Spraying behind your ears, will cause the scent to rise above your head and go undetected.

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