
Bridal Articles and News
Give a Gift that Will Make a Difference Heifer International premieres online giving registry for all occasions
Jan 2, 2006, 11:58

(ARA) - When Elizabeth Spees and Michael Robinson got married in 2002, they asked for their guests to contribute to an ark. An ark of animals that is, through Heifer International, the nonprofit that provides farm animals and training to impoverished families all over the world.
Creating an ark means collecting $5,000 which goes toward education and sustainable development of Heifer projects in any one of 50 countries, including the U.S. Their wedding guests met that goal and more, which the Robinsons said was a joy because they wanted to help others rather than collect more unnecessary stuff in their new life together.

Heifer has responded to the needs of people like the Robinsons who hold a vision of hope for the world beyond their own backyards. The nonprofit has created the innovative new online “Giving Registry” at that will allow people to set up gift registries for milestones in their lives such as weddings, anniversaries, Bar- and Bat-Mitvahs, birthdays, school and church fundraisers, memorials for loved ones, and for just about any reason that they would like to ask someone to join them in supporting the work of Heifer. As the holidays approach, many are adding their wish lists to the registry.

The Giving Registry, which is part of Heifer’s popular on-line gift catalog, functions like popular retail gift registries. Registrants select gifts they would like to receive just as they would at a department-store gift registry. But instead of toasters, dishes and wine glasses, Heifer’s selections include everything from chickens to cows to water buffalos. The symbolic gifts, while honoring registrants, go to support Heifer’s work in the U.S. and around the world to help struggling families become self-reliant.

The Heifer Giving Registry lets you customize your own gift page, select honor cards, and track donations. Visit the registry at to start a new tradition in giving that makes a difference. Courtesy of ARA Content

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