
Harmonize Your Body, Mind And Spirit With Reiki
Jun 7, 2008, 02:02

All through the ages, long life has been a quest by emperors, kings, alchemists and the common man himself.

Today, research continues to search for cures and panaceas that can prevent diseases and illnesses and provide healthy longevity.

Patients with acute or incurable diseases like heart diseases, cancers, AIDS etc. often lose hope and look for alternative, noninvasive therapies like Reiki.

Reiki has been the answer to many a prayer, providing hope, encouragement and improved living.

What is Reiki

Reiki is a noninvasive natural process that helps the believer attain physical, emotional and spiritual balance. Reiki has been known to heal diseases, recover the physical state, promote healthy life and remove stress.

Many people all over the world have used Reiki to heal body mind and spirit. Testimonies are available on the internet and magazines, on the miraculous effects of Reiki as a cure and in people’s daily lives.

Let’s take a look at some of these first hand testimonies.

The woman with a heart problem:

This woman had diabetes along with a silent heart attack. She was advised by her doctor of the need to have the heart catheterization procedure involving the insertion of a tube into the blood vessels and into the heart.

She met a woman two weeks prior to the procedure that totally changed her life. She had never heard of Reiki and the woman, who was a Reiki master explained it to her, offering to perform a Reiki session on her. She accepted immediately.

On the day of the catheterization, the doctor informed her that he noted a totally undamaged and healthy heart. In spite of the pre-surgical ultrasound and echo tests showing a heart attack, the new tests showed that she had never ever had a heart attack. Reiki had totally healed her and this led to her becoming a Reiki master.

Few doctors, seeing the benefits of Reiki have begun to use this non-invasive, alternative therapy without adverse reactions, along with regular medication.

Medical journals too have cited the Reiki option combined with clinical treatment as being more effective for the patient.

A doctor with an 83 year old patient, who had partial paralysis due to a stroke, that had left his left side paralyzed, along with double vision and constant dizziness, decided to use Reiki with Craniosacral therapy in order to return nervous system function and mobility. Within four of these combined sessions, the patient recovered completely, being able to walk and lead a normal life.

Use Reiki and Medicine

Reiki has the ability to heal body, mind and spirit. Millions of testimonials exist on the benefits of Reiki for individuals and complete families. A combination of Reiki with regular medicine has done wonders and doctors are increasingly using it to supplement regular medication.

Many patients have achieved a new lease on life with Reiki treatment. Even though rational science has no formula for long and healthy life, Reiki has brought hope, recovery and rejuvenation to many. Reiki may well be the miracle mankind has waited for so long.

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