
Healthy Eating For Moms Teach Your Child by Example!
Sep 28, 2006, 19:54

One of the problems many mothers have after they have started a family is keeping their weight down where they'd like it to be. Part of your changing physical build is due to having children, something that can't be taken back once they're born. But you can exercise and tone your muscles, to make the most of the figure that you have. And part of that, is learning to eat healthy in the face of your various time commitments.

Many mothers just don't feel they have the time, or energy, to prepare healthy home cooked meals for thier families. All it really takes is a little organization, and advance preparation. Making a list can help. Know what meals you are going to serve, and write down the ingredients you need.

Lots of women feel guilty if they throw out leftovers, which can be an attitude inherited from their own budget-conscious mother. But you're not saving anything except space in the compost pail, if you're eating that last scoop of potatoes, or the vegetables off a toddler's plate, simply so they don't go to waste.

Don't sabotage your own diet, by cooking in too large a quantity for what your family will consume in a meal. If by chance you're actually a bit short and someone is still hungry, make sure you keep extras on hand that will fill the gap, like garlic bread to go with spaghetti, veggies and dip, or a bowl of fruit.

Try to balance your preferences, with what is cooked for the family meals. That means if you eat as individuals for breakfast and lunch, make sure you get a good variety of fruits, vegetables and grains. Try yogurt and fruit with granola for breakfast, or a tossed salad in a fajita wrap for lunch. Remember to balance your intake of one food group with the others, and select good sources of protein.

Rememeber this too, your child learns by example. Do what I say, and not what I do doesn't teach them anything! By seeing you prepare and eat healthy meals, they will learn to do the same. If you teach your child from the beginning to eat and enjoy healthy foods, it will be a lesson they will keep thier whole life. What better lesson is there to teach them?

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