
Weight Loss
Healthy Ways to Lose Weight
Apr 4, 2006, 21:30

(NewsUSA) - The last few decades have seen more books, magazines and diet gurus urging us to eat less and exercise more.

Sounds simple, right? Wrong.

As the media has made us embarrassingly aware, the United States continues to be the fattest nation in the world, despite the fact that Americans spend more than $50 billion a year on dieting and diet-related products.

Of course, there are reasons for the rise. The increase in fast-food restaurants and the variety of convenience dishes have all made calories plentiful.

Even a $415 million government-funded study did not conclusively find that a low-fat diet lowered older women's risk of cancer or heart disease, causing even more confusion.

So what's a person to do? While the jury's still out on the best approach to weight loss, most experts agree that the road to health is paved by regular fitness and smart nutrition. Here are some tips for dieting success:

* Keep your weight in check. The rule of thumb is that if you gain 5 pounds, it's time to start eating less and exercising more. Losing 5 pounds is much easier than losing 15 or more.

* Mix up your diet. You don't have to become a vegetarian to lose weight, but experts recommend a diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and nuts, while easing up on full-fat dairy products, white flour and sugar.

* Consider supplemental health drinks for a boost while on the go. Beverages like Carb Crusher, a tea developed by Innovative Technologies Corporation of America, help reduce the body's absorption of calories and carbohydrates in the digestive system.

The main ingredient in Carb Crusher is GCA, an extract made from unroasted green coffee beans. GCA reduces the amount of carbs that get absorbed by inhibiting sugar that is released from the body's glycogen stores, typically found in the liver and muscle. This forces the body to initiate the burning of fat sooner as an energy source.

Without any caffeine or stimulants, Carb Crusher is easy on the stomach and can be taken with or without food anytime. For more information, log on to or call (800) 482-2637.

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