
Helping Our Dogs Live Longer And Healthier Lives
Oct 25, 2007, 01:04

(NAPSI)-A growing number of American families have gone to the dogs-and if you ask any "pet parent," that's certainly a good thing!

Just how much do we love our dogs? Americans are expected to spend about $40 billion on their pets in 2007, according to the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association (APPMA). Perhaps what's even more surprising is that while pet parents are showering their dogs with designer duds and luxury hotel accommodations, they are overlooking something far more important-their dog's health.

Dogs Need Vitamins, Too!

Unknowingly, pet parents have been led to believe that all the nutrition their dog needs is found in their food. Most pet parents are unaware that regulations that control nutritional requirements for pet foods are minimal at best and no matter what type of food you are giving to your dog, it just isn't enough. Dogs need vitamins, too!

Of the 75 million dogs in this country, only 10 percent of them are receiving a nutritional supplement in addition to their dog food. In 2005, a group of concerned pet parents led by the internationally renowned animal activist Sonya Fitzpatrick established the Pet Parent's Network.

Dedicated to improving the health and quality of life for all dogs, the Network's mission is to achieve wellness for dogs, as we do for ourselves, by focusing on optimum levels of nutrition rather than the bare necessities found in dog foods.

Happy And Healthy

The Pet Parent's Network put its love for dogs into action and assembled a team of experts to create a cutting-edge nutritional supplement called HealthGUARD®. Unlike any other supplement for dogs currently on the market, HealthGUARD is the only two-step system that uses human-grade ingredients and is manufactured in labs that meet the same requirements as facilities where human-grade supplements are made.

Two of the key ingredients found in HealthGUARD are omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are not normally found in sufficient levels in dog food. These fatty acids are particularly important for maintaining good health. Scientific studies in humans and animals (including dogs) have concluded that supplementation with omega-3 and omega-6 acids provides health benefits for dogs on a number of different fronts, including improved cardiovascular health, skin condition and stronger immune system.

Currently, HealthGUARD can be purchased exclusively on the Network's Web site at In addition, the site offers visitors interactive Q&As, the chance to create a personalized "PUP-E-MAIL" using photos of their pet, and cool new voice technology that they can forward on to friends and family. Our dogs depend on us to take care of them and we owe it to them to keep them healthy!

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