
Home Schooling - Why Home School?
By Jillian Gallo
Nov 12, 2006, 16:36

Although many people are surprised when it comes to Home Schooling, this is not a new concept at all. In fact, it was a need a few centuries ago when not all towns had an school and not all the children could attend classes even if the school was part of their communities.

There were many reasons why children studied at home during the 18th century. Poor children had no means for attending school and parents had to teach them sometimes with the limitations of their own knowledge. Rich children had means for not attending since teachers could attend their home to provide the needed education.

The 19th century was characterized for the constructions of more and more schools around the world, but most parents considered that a better option was using the service of itinerant teachers as described in the book "Fireside Education" written by Samuel Griswold in 1828.

With the turn of the century and publications such as "Helps To Education In The Homes Of Our Countries", by Burton and Warren, children continued their education and were raised from their own home instead of the increasing schools opening their doors in different communities. In 1912, the book "The School In Your Home" was a sort of bible for parents wanting to educate their children personally.

However, laws changed the way in which parents saw home schooling, and this teaching option fell in disuse partially, until the Internet era came to rescue it. Even though parents have never forgotten about home schooling, their number was small in comparison to those parents sending their children to school.

Today, you have the opportunity to teach your children at home for both your convenience and their better learning advantage. There are numerous resources online to help you design your own curriculum based on your children's needs, and educational centers are willing to contribute by providing you support and advice, coordinating your efforts.

Since 1980, Home Schooling is a rewarding learning activity that is increasing every day, but especially since 2000. In the United States, more and more families from all economic, political, or religious backgrounds are joining home schooling groups, sharing information and support through local networks and the internet.

Home school contributes to keeping your children away from violence and other government school problems affecting their learning and putting at risk their health, including drugs and alcohol. Today about 20% of all students in America receive education through a home schooling system.

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