
How Can You Help Your Husband Share The Joys of Pregnancy?
Oct 23, 2006, 19:44

Do you know any men who prepared for the birth of their child? You may say yes, but does that mean they were with you during the pregnancy? Or are we talking adoption or infertility procedures? Perhaps putting the nursery furniture together, and positioning it for you? I am sure he has been a great help, but do they actually prepare emotionally?

When women find they are pregnant she actively begins to prepare for the birth of her child emotionally. She feels the first kick, deals with the morning sickness, and develops a deep seated love for the life that is growing within her.

Some women write a journal to record every event, and feeling she has during her pregnancy. She looks deep within herself, with joy, and anticipation, and fears and doubts too. It is normal to feel the whole range of emotions. She searches her soul to help herself prepare for the moment her child is born, and she becomes a Mom to a brand new baby.

She is filled with a sense of awe at the amazing process she is sharing with her baby, and finds peace in knowing the deepest love a woman can experience.

In her journal, a women shares the deepest part of herself with those she lets see and read it and those feelings and thoughts will be passed on to her child, when she feels the time is right.

But do men get journals? What a wonderful gift that would be for his child, to know your dad's thoughts and feelings about this wonderful journey he and Mom are sharing. It might be a wonderful gift to his wife, letting her know feelings she did not even know he had.

With all the electronics we have today, it is easy to make a video diary to catch the excitement of the daddy to be, both before, and after the birth of his child. Maybe even during the birth. Just think of the memories such a diary would document, and it would become a family treasure, now, and even more so as the years pass.

Don't let your husband miss this chance to prepare himself for the birth of your child. Help him to share in the joy and deep soul searching you are going through. Give him a way to enhance his own experience with your pregnancy. There is too much anticipation, excitement, and joy to not put it down on film, or in a book, or through pictures. This time only happens once. Don't let it slip away without a record.

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