
How To Help Your Kids Sleep
Aug 17, 2008, 22:39

Bedtime for kids proves to be a major problem for some parents. Sometimes they end the day with a commotion trying to get their kids to bed at an appropriate time.

Different kids tend to have different sleeping habits. However, with the right sleeping schedule, an environment conducive to sleep, and the right eating habits and supplementation, your children are ensured to get the appropriate sleep they need.

There are some natural ways to help your kids get back to healthy sleeping habits.

Try putting your kids to bed at about the same hour every night. Establishing this regular bedtime schedule may prove to be difficult for the first few nights, but once your kids get used to it, sticking to this schedule is trouble-free. Pick a realistic and practical bedtime hour for you and your kids to follow. Make sure they follow the schedule aptly. In no time, your kids will get accustomed to this sleeping schedule.

Performing bedtime rituals is an effective way to encourage your kids to go to bed. Many kids find doing bedtime rituals a pleasant way to end the day. Together you might want to read children’s books, sing nursery rhymes, or saying a prayer just before tucking them in bed. Making these bedtime rituals a part of their nightly schedule will help get your kids sleep better.

Although it may be at times really difficult to get your kids to bed, try not to get them to correlate bedtime with bad behaviors and "lectures." It is best if your kids look upon sleeping time as a warm and serene moment.

When it comes to your kids’ eating habits, there are things you can give them just before bedtime to help them sleep. And then there are certain things you might want to avoid giving them, which could turn bedtime upsetting for you and your kids.

Try to minimize the sugar intake of your kids, especially just before their bedtime. Sugar makes your kids excited and agitated for hours. Caffeine in food too works just as effective in wrecking the healthy bedtime habits of your kids. Avoid serving them with candies, ice creams, cakes and soda late during the day. That is, if your want to send your kids to bed without too much fuss going on.

A glass of warm milk is also effective in helping your children get to a restful sleep at night. You might also want to try natural sleeping aid supplements that are safe for children’s use. Calms Forte 4 Kids by Hyland is available in most drugstores. To calm your kids down, you might also want to try Rescue Remedy by Dr. Bach, which contains essences that have a soothing effect, providing relaxation and a good night’s sleep.

Providing the best environment conducive to sleep is another good way to establish your kids’ healthy sleeping habits.

Let your kids choose a pillow that they find comfy. Take them with you the next time you are shopping for pillows and have you kids try out several pillows of their choice. There are pillows specifically designed for children.

Essential oils harness the effectiveness of aromatherapy in inducing sleep. Playing soothing music helps just as well. Establishing a healthy bedtime schedule for kids is not at all that difficult. Each one in the family will get a good night’s sleep once you have worked it out.

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