
How to Reduce Stress When You're Preganant
Oct 1, 2006, 23:50

Pregnancy makes your hormones go crazy! This can cause your emotions to be on overload. You can be laughing one minute, crying the next. Don't worry, it's normal. But still, you don't need the extra stress this can cause, your already nervous. Stress can affect your entire body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Your mind, your emotions, and your muscles. Trying to remain stress free should be important to you at any time, especially when your pregnant.

Listed here are some ways to help yourself stay free of stress while you await the arrival of your new baby. This should be a wonderful and joyous time for you.

1. Do not go near people who cause you to feel stressed.
This may not be as easy as it sounds, because sometimes people in your family are on that list. So what, it you can do it. We all have caller ID so don't answer the phone when you know its them, or the door if you don't feel like company.

2. Keep a smile on your face
When you start to feel a little stress, smile. The act alone can cheer you up. Look in the mirror, and smile. Look how nice and happy you look.

3. Don't be afraid to ask for help
You don't have to do everything yourself. If your having a tough day, ask for help. Your friends and family won't mind helping you. They will probably be happy you were able to call and ask them. Just remember, they do not automatically know what you need, you must ask them.

4. Think good thoughts
Do not sit around and run negative thoughts around in your head. Try to concentrate on happy things, the people around you, the new baby on the way, the beauty of the outdoors, the happiness in your life right now. Worrying about the things that bother you, that you cannot change will only bring more stress...just what you are trying to avoid.

5. Be active
Move! Don't sit around the house if you don't have to. Don't isolate yourself, its lonely and can be stressful. Loneliness will only bring negative thoughts right back. Get up, go for a walk. The fresh air and sunshine will help to relax and keep you stress free, and the exercise is great for you. You can meet friends for lunch and spend the afternoon chatting away. Or you can get your hair done, go for a manicure or a spa day. There are so many better ways to spend your time than sitting around inside by yourself.

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