
How to Make Cleaning Up Life’s Little Messes Easier
Sep 13, 2005, 23:09

(ARA) – If you had to venture a guess, which room in the house would you consider the dirtiest? Most people would probably say the bathroom, but according to a recent study by the Lysol Corporation, it actually comes in second. The dubious distinction goes to the place where you prepare food for your family -- the kitchen. In fact, the study found there are more bacteria in the kitchen sink after dishes have been washed than there are in the typical toilet.
Despite the need for hygiene, it’s easy to let things get out of control in the kitchen. If you don’t wipe up every time you prepare a meal, grease can build up on stovetops and countertops; bacteria can start to grow on cutting boards; dirt will be attracted to the sticky residue left behind by spilled juice; and dust will collect on door frames. Inside the refrigerator, mold will start to grow on that old cheese, or spilled gravy; and the list goes on.

“Because people are so busy these days, they don’t prioritize cleaning, but they really should,” says Howard Purdy, director of operations of Maid Brigade, a residential cleaning service. “We recommend that people start each day by dedicating a good five minutes to picking up around the house.”

That may mean putting dirty laundry in the hamper, picking up toys left out the day before, or rinsing the dishes and putting them in the dishwasher. No matter how small the task may seem, it will make a difference so take the time to do it.

As you go through the day, the key to keeping the house clean is being ready for the little surprises that sneak up on you. In the kitchen:

* Keep sanitized wipes handy so you can wipe up spills or spots as they happen.

* Keep a mop that uses dry or wet pads on hand to help keep the floors free of dirt tracked in and out of the kitchen.

* For everyday cleaning, wash countertops and stainless steel with warm sudsy water.

* Use a dab of vinegar on a paper towel to cut grease that splatters on the stovetop.

There are also steps you can take to keep dirt and grime to a minimum in the bathroom.

* Keep antibacterial cleaning wipes in a convenient place. Encourage everyone in the family to wipe down the sink and mirror before leaving.

* Use liquid, rather than bar soap to reduce soap scum build-up in the tub and shower.

* To help keep mildew at bay after a shower, use a shower spray containing bleach regularly on the curtain liner and tile.

When you’re ready to do a deep clean in the kitchen or bath, call in the professionals. Maid Brigade offers seasonal cleaning services which are done once in the spring, summer, winter and fall; and special one-time cleaning services that may be needed before or after a party, or in a moving situation. In the kitchen, deep cleans include scrubbing down the counters, cook top, sink and appliances, opening up cabinets and cleaning away dust and food bits; and taking everything out of the refrigerator and scrubbing down the shelves. Deep cleaning efforts are just as extensive in the bathroom. In addition to wiping down sinks and mirrors, they’ll scrub and sanitize toilets, tubs and showers, and even the floors.

Once your home has been deep cleaned, regular service will maintain a healthy living environment for you and your family. To find the Maid Brigade service nearest you, log on to and enter your zip code in the box at the top that says “Find Your Local Office.”

Courtesy of ARA Content

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