
Back To School
Give Teachers Extra Credit Ways to Welcome Teachers Back to School
Aug 20, 2005, 19:05

(ARA) – When school resumes after summer break, classrooms throughout the country will continue to struggle with budget shortfalls that are stretching them paper thin.
Across America, teachers are expected to expand minds with dwindling resources but somehow, from the morning roll call to the dismissing sound of the bell, they manage to find ways to effectively teach. This school year alone, teachers will spend an average of $600 of their own money on school supplies and instructional materials. Their willingness to reach into their pockets displays their deep commitment to fill the gaps that today's reality forces them to fix.

To start the school year off right, parents can use the following suggestions -- both inside and outside the classroom -- to send a strong and positive message to their child’s teacher:

Simple gestures -- Consider sending a card, a quick e-mail or placing a call to your child’s new teacher. A few friendly words of welcome will brighten a teacher’s day and add a sparkle to the start of the school year.

Back 2 School GiftCard -- To welcome America’s teachers and students back to school, Target has created a special Back 2 School GiftCard, available in stores nationwide and on A Target GiftCard can be purchased in any monetary amount, and can be applied toward any Target purchase. The cards provide a perfect way for parents and parent/teacher organizations to say “welcome back” and to support teachers in getting their classrooms ready for the new school year.

Volunteer -- Experience first-hand what your child is learning and lighten a teacher's load in the process. Parents can volunteer by supervising field trips, serving as a teacher's assistant, reading to school kids or helping with classroom projects.

Fundraise -- Parents have the ability to loosen the strain on teachers and the tight budgets they face with a simple way to fundraise. Using the Target Take Charge of Education program, parents and community members designate an eligible K through 12 school of their choice and Target donates up to 1 percent of purchases made with Target Visa and Target Card at Target and Target will donate 0.5 percent of Target Visa purchases made wherever Visa credit cards are accepted. During its “Twice As Nice For Your School” program from July 24, 2005 to September 10, 2005, Target will double its contribution to the school of your choice for every purchase made at Target with a Target Visa or Target Card.

Schools can use the money for whatever they need most. Many schools choose supplies, technology or equipment they would otherwise do without. Courtesy of ARA Content

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