
Ice cream goes green and gets fresh this summer
May 29, 2008, 19:28

(NC)-The hot, summer weather is on our doorstep, and with it comes the first yearnings for a cold, refreshing treat.

And what says summer more than ice cream?

In order to keep ice cream as fresh as possible so you can enjoy it all summer long, here are a few tips:

. Don't store ice cream on the freezer door. Because of all the opening and closing, the temperature fluctuates much more, meaning the ice cream is prone to melt and re-freeze.

. Look for a package with a FreshSNAP seal to help lock in the freshness so your favourite ice cream tastes great from your first scoop to your last.

. Use a freezer thermometer to monitor the temperature of your freezer so your ice cream doesn't melt. The optimal temperature for ice cream is colder than -18°C. Just in time for summer, Nestlé Real Dairy ice cream is getting a brand new package that keeps ice cream fresh, and is both recyclable and reusable.

To reuse the container at home, you just need to get creative.

Here are some ideas:

. Ready-to-eat

Do you often end up having impromptu dinner guests? The Real Dairy tub is perfect for food storage. So next time you cook, double the batch and freeze the extras in the empty ice cream tub. Be sure to label with the date and use within six to eight weeks. Next time friends or family surprise you, turn around and surprise them with an effortless home cooked meal.

. Seed Starter

Use the tub to get your herb garden or other plants started before moving them outside. Simply poke a few holes in the bottom for drainage, add a few small stones to line the bottom, fill partway with soil and place in a decorative pot. Add seeds or small herb plants, top root with soil and water.

. Crafty Collector

Instead of buying expensive storage containers to organize your office, craft area, gift-wrapping supplies or recipe clippings, use your finished ice cream tubs for storage. If you're not hiding them away, use some leftover wallpaper or wrapping paper to decorate and incorporate them into the room.

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