
Home Improvements
Can You Afford an Insulation Renovation?
Nov 12, 2007, 22:42

(NC)-Small, yet important, actions such as turning off lights or unplugging rarely used appliances can help keep a home's energy costs down, especially when other expenses such as heating costs rise in the winter. While small actions are beneficial, homeowners may want to consider conducting a larger and more effective change such as performing an insulation renovation. If so, here are a few tips to help you plan and prepare for an insulation retrofit:

. Conduct a thorough review of the room or area you plan to insulate

Take a thorough tour of the home and make note of cold or uninsulated areas. Use a tape measure to determine the size of the areas that require insulating.

Don't forget to check your doors and windows for drafts and make note of other home improvements that you may require in the future. When finished, get organized and prioritize your list according to areas that need the most insulation.

. Create a project estimate

Visit your local building supply store and speak to the staff about your list of insulation projects. When choosing insulation, consider PINK Fiberglas batt insulation - a common product used by do-it-yourself renovators. The batts are designed to fit snugly in between standard 2" x 4" or 2" x 6" wall studs and are friction fit to stay in place. Normal installations usually don't require expensive tools or equipment, but you will need to budget for a utility knife, straightedge, tape measure, stapler, protective glasses, lightweight work gloves and a dust mask.

. Review your current budget

Once you have a total cost estimate for your insulation project, take a look at your current budget and ask yourself if it's affordable. The total retrofit cost will vary depending on the size of the room or area you are insulating. Determine the amount you have available to spend per month and gauge if you can afford to do the project now or wait a month or two.

. Plan to save

When you've determined how much you can afford to save, put aside a set amount of money each month for the insulation retrofit. If you're committed to following your plan, holding off on the project may not be too long a wait.

The task and costs of any home renovation can be sometimes overwhelming, causing you to reconsider or delay a project. However, an insulation renovation can be an affordable, do-it-yourself retrofit that can help you to save money sooner than later, and over time.

More information on PINK Fiberglas insulation products and installation can be found by visiting . The colour PINK is a registered trademark of Owens Corning.

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