
Weight Loss
Making New Fitness Resolutions - and Keeping Them
Nov 14, 2005, 22:32

(ARA) – Time and time again, people resolve to get in shape and to live a healthier lifestyle. But this is the number one resolution most often broken – and typically within just a short six weeks! Why is having a healthy mind and body easier to talk about than to achieve?
Life Time Fitness, a national operator of sports and athletic, professional fitness, family recreation, and resort/spa centers, offers these suggestions for making and keeping a realistic resolution about your health.

Appreciate Your Accomplishments

Although we continue to make resolutions concerning good health, we give up early in the game. Before you get too down on yourself for having let go of previous fitness resolutions, it is important to realize that health and fitness goals are continuous, involving a process of assessment, commitment, feedback, and follow-through.

Even if you have just begun considering health and fitness a priority, you are much better off than you think. Shifting your attitude about your health, making smarter, more nutritious choices and increasing your knowledge about fitness will build momentum for you to accomplish your resolution this year.

The First Steps are the Hardest

It is not just about acknowledging what you need to do to get in shape, but also about formulating a plan of action for getting there. Visualize how you want to look and feel, research health and fitness routines, and then set personal growth and development goals.

Start by researching and exploring fitness facilities that foster your new commitment to a healthy way of life. “The more a fitness center matches your goals and expectations, the more likely it gets used,” says Jeff Zwiefel, senior vice president, Life Time Fitness. “But more than getting to the gym, a healthy lifestyle needs to be a part of every aspect of your daily life.”

Making small improvements in your diet can help to make a big difference. Shop healthy, take an interest in your nutrition by becoming more informed, be aware of your eating habits, make good daily choices, and include your family in your pursuit of a healthy and nutritious lifestyle.

Now is the Time to Get Started

You have come to terms with past broken resolutions, and you have set realistic ones moving ahead. Get in the right frame of mind. A positive attitude will make all the difference in your ability to stick with it. Do not abandon your goal just because you missed one day of workout or diet. Build confidence with each step of progress that you make. Feel better about yourself inside, and the results will show on the outside.

Workout Tips

Once you have set your routine in motion, there are important health tips to remember:

* Maintain a good diet: In a guidebook provided to its members, Life Time Fitness dieticians recommend that instead of a big breakfast, lunch and dinner, people eat several small balanced meals and a few small snacks throughout the day. Balanced meals include protein, complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables. Start taking supplements and vitamins on a regular basis and drink plenty of water.

* Rest and reward yourself: As you work toward your fitness goals, remember to reward yourself for progress along the way. Treat those hardworking muscles to a massage, or pamper your feet with a pedicure.

* Make exercise fun: Keep track of healthy habits with a friend! It might be easier to stick to your routines and good habits if you have someone to answer to. Choose a friend or family member who will offer encouragement while also setting an example for you to follow. Use motivators such as music, new workout clothes and a positive attitude.

* Max out your membership: Get your money’s worth! Get to know all the classes that your club has to offer. Get oriented to the club, its instructors, deals and offers, and free assessments. They are there to help you achieve your fitness goals. Maximize your time and variety of activities at the club and your monthly membership will more than pay for itself.

What to Do When Your Resolution Needs Rescuing

Permanent lifestyle changes take time to accomplish. When you are feeling like your health and fitness are suffering at the hands of your other daily tasks and obligations, remember to relax. Research where you might have gone wrong, and determine where you need to make changes. Be realistic about what you can accomplish. Review and adjust your routine to find out what works for you and what does not. Get back into your routine. It is never too late to get in shape.

Good luck with your resolutions this year, and remember that you are in charge of making them happen!

For more information on Life Time Fitness centers, programs, and services visit, or call (800) 430-5433. Courtesy of ARA Content

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