
Healthy Living
Kid- Sized Portions Set Good Eating Habits
Dec 10, 2006, 21:15

(NC)-At a time when obesity is considered epidemic, "super-sized" servings are too often the norm. And that's a concern, particularly when studies indicate that overweight children are more likely to become obese adults.

Parents have the most influence on a child's eating behaviour and it is important to teach children healthy eating habits early - including the significance of portion sizes.

But what exactly is a child-sized portion?

According to Health Canada, the number of servings children require depends on gender, body size, physical activity, and how fast they are growing. That's why Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating outlines a range of servings and serving sizes for each of the four food groups. Young children require a lower number of servings, while male teenagers may fall into the higher range.

Keep in mind, too, that the servings we eat are generally larger than serving sizes outlined in the food guide. A cup of spaghetti counts as two servings of grain products, while a 250-ml juice box counts as two servings of vegetables and fruit.

As your child enters a new calendar year, keep the following tips in mind when planning meals and snacks for your child:

. Kid-sized portions. Serve smaller portions for your child. Rather than offering a regular 112 g (4 oz) bagel, Wonder+ Square Bagels are designed especially for kids and come in 85 g (3 oz) portions that have the taste and look of white bagels but are made of whole wheat.

. Mini meals. When dining out, order smaller servings or half-meals for your child and avoid restaurants that serve excessive portions. At home, offer a smaller version of the main course and additional salad or vegetables if your child is still hungry.

. Choose single servings. Pack snack foods into single serving sizes - if the nutrition table defines a single serving as three crackers, pack or serve your child three crackers.

. Healthy, ready-made snacks. Children like to snack throughout the day, so make sure to have healthy snack-size foods on hand, such as mixed dried fruit or unsweetened, individual packs of applesauce.

More healthy and fun kid-friendly recipe suggestions are available online at

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