
Green Living
Make Your Own Green Beauty Products
Dec 19, 2007, 01:30

Your beauty supplies do not have to come from your local store's shelves.

All you need are some basic kitchen ingredients to create your own, eco-friendly beauty products from scratch.

Imagine the money you could save if you make some of your beauty products yourself with easily found ingredients.

You would also be using a more natural product on your body, something, we are finding to be most important. With all the "Green" news we hear today many people want to have more control with what they use in their homes, and on their body.

Some of the many natural beauty products that you can create your self include:

1. You can make shampoo out of a couple of eggs which have amazing properties to add shine and seal in a healthy, soft glow. You just need to be sure to rinse your hair very well.

2. For conditioner you can use mayonnaise. Simply work this into your hair then wrap your hair with plastic wrap and wait for 15 minutes before rinsing thoroughly.

3. Mayonnaise can also be applied to your face and neck even though it does smell awful. You will want to leave this on for 10 minutes, then massage gently and rinse it off. If you do this on a regular basis, you will find that your skin will be completely renewed within just a few weeks.

4. A honey face mask can be made out of a teaspoon of honey mixed with a tablespoon of ground up oatmeal. Simply add a little milk to make this into a nice paste and then apply it to your face and neck. Once it dries, rinse it off.

5. Another type of face mask that you can make is made out of avocados. Herein you will want to combine 1 mashed avocado with 1 cooked and mashed carrot. Then you will want to add ½ cup of heavy cream, 1 beaten egg and 3 tablespoons of honey. You will need to combine all of these ingredients and spread them over your face and your neck. Leave this mixture on for between 10 and 15 minutes, then rinse and follow with a toner.

6. If you need a foot smoother, then combine some brown sugar with lemon pulp and a bit of light olive oil then scrub your feet with this mixture. This can actually be used for a great exfoliator for your entire body.

7. If you have under eyes circles that need lightening, then you should grate up some raw potatoes and wrap them in cheesecloth before applying them to your under eye area and eye lids for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes simply rinse your face off.

8. For a natural breath freshener, simply gargle with lemon juice.

9. Lip balm is a bit tricky to make because you have to pay attention to the heat at which you are processing the ingredients as you do not want it to boil. This mixture consists of 4 oz. of extra virgin olive oil and 3 oz. of beeswax. You will want to melt this mixture in a microwave or double boiler before adding ½ vitamin E capsule and 1 oz. of honey. This should then be poured into airtight tins or containers where it will need to sit for 48 hours before you use it.

10. For a natural nail strengthener you will want to combine 1 teaspoon of freshly chopped horsetail stems, ½ cup of boiling water and 1 teaspoon of pure honey. You will want to put these ingredients into a ceramic dish and then pour boiling water over them, allowing them to sit for 30 minutes. Make sure that you then strain the stems and discard of them. This is also when you want to add honey and stir everything together well. The solution will then need to sit for a few days before transferring it to an airtight container. When you are ready to use it you will want to brush the solution over your nails with a clean cotton swab or brush and let it dry. Within just a few weeks your nails will show improvement.

Enjoy these wonderfully healthy and eco-friendly recipes. They will enhance your beauty in a way that you can really feel good about.

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