
Mom's Stress Relief
Oct 18, 2006, 21:58

Today stress is just another part of daily living. It is a part of our world, whether we like it or not, or want it or not. Working parents, non working parents all have it. Our lives are so fast paced, and getting faster. That means more stress, but there are some things you can do about it.

Do not put pressure on yourself. You must realize that you cannot do everything. Your not Super Mom, even though everyone else may think you are. Sit them down and let them know your not, nor do you want to be. It is okay to get help from others, especially your family. It is good for your children to help around the house cleaning or with meals. It is good for your husband to help with the busy schedules of the kids by picking them up and dropping them off.

Everyone is late sometimes, schedules never seem to account for traffic, or an accident, or the weather, do they? It's okay. You have got to tell yourself that a lot. And soon, you will begin to realize, it is okay. Life does not go exactly as planned, but think about how boring it would be if it did. Yes, it would be great if things always ran smoothly, but they don't. And you do not have to blame that on yourself. Mom give yourself a break.

Organization helps with all the chores and running around that having a family entails. I always find a list helps. Write down all the things you have to do, and the places you have to be. Then get a big calendar that has blocks around the days so you can fill in your commitments.

Before you do that, put a number beside each item on your list from 1 to 5. This is going to be their priority number. You cannot do two things at once, so the lesser the importance of one, is the one you can eliminate or work around. There are other children on your son's team right? If your kids have simultaneous practices or games, try to get another Mom to car pool your child.

While you are making this list, make sure you give yourself some down time too. You will not be any help to your family if your tired, crabby and want to cry!

Sometimes we get to the point where we really do think we may cry. If that happens, you may need to get Dad, or a baby-sitter, and go out and take a drive. Have dinner with a friend, see a movie, or heavenly...get a pedicure. Sometimes you do just need a break. Some time to do something nice for yourself. When you get to the point where you think your gonna scream, tell your kids you love them, tell Dad he can go out tomorrow, and go out and have an enjoyable, relaxing time.

Sit down with your family the next day, and explain to them how you were feeling, just lightly, don't be too heavy with the kids. It is not their fault, but it may be a nice change to see what they will want to do to help you. I am not talking about a guilt trip for them, just a family meeting, so they can see that you do too much, and want them to help you out.

If you cannot get out, put everyone to bed early and take a nice, hot, long bubble bath. It is a good temporary replacement to the pedicure. It will work in a pinch. You can come out, relaxed, ready to get a good night's sleep. And the next morning you will feel refreshed, and ready to cope with the world.

Remember, you need to learn how to deal with stress by not taking everything so seriously. The world is not going away, in fact, as the kids get older, it is going to get crazier! And I don't say that to scare you, but it is true. So hadn't you better learn how to UN stress yourself now.

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