
The (New) Mother's Little Helper
Aug 20, 2005, 21:41

(NAPSI)-New parents have a lot to worry about. During this stressful time, an unexpected organizational item can make things seem a little easier. A high-quality labelmaker, like the DYMO LetraTag, is perfect for labeling everything from formula in the kitchen to spare clothes for daycare.

"A labelmaker helps busy parents keep all of the details in order," said Rick Constantine, DYMO director of marketing. "Clear labels ensure that your message is easily conveyed, whether you've labeled items for a babysitter or have clearly marked the date the formula expires."

DYMO, the leading producer of labelmakers, provides the following suggestions that will help ease the transition into parenting:

1. Label Breast Milk or Formula

Whether you pump breast milk or have formula in the refrigerator, clearly labeling the container with the expiration date is essential to preventing food poisoning. If you're unsure of how long it's safe to keep breast milk or formula, check with your pediatrician-he or she should be able to provide you with guidelines.

2. Set Baby Apart

Daycare centers are chaotic, which is why it's a good idea to clearly label your baby's gear. Not only will you quickly find everything at the end of the day, but your child's caregivers will instantly know which items belong to your baby (without struggling with hard-to-read handwriting).

Use a labelmaker to clearly identify everything your child needs-snacks, milk or formula, diapers, toys and books. Ensure pricey outfits aren't lost or accidentally taken-fabric LetraTag labels are perfect for kids of all ages and activity levels, from preschoolers to campers.

3. The Road To Reading

As your baby gets older, he or she will start exploring their environment. This is a perfect opportunity to begin teaching your child about letters and words. Label items around the house, like lamps, walls, doors, etc. As your children become familiar with their surroundings, they will begin to associate these letters and words with each item…Giving them a head start on the road to reading and writing.

"When you're juggling countless tasks at the same time, it's easy to overlook the smaller details," added Constantine. "A labelmaker is a must-have for busy moms and dads, as they significantly boost both organization and time management."

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