
Navigating The Complex World Of Scientific Information
Sep 7, 2005, 20:10

(NAPSI)-Consider this. While you read this article, the medium you read it in has been influenced in some way by science. The paper and ink have been refined and improved over the years through scientific discovery and innovation. Look around your workspace, your living environment and you begin to realize that every development in our modern world has a scientific basis. This extends from space travel, to the human genome, the development of cutting edge treatments for cancer and how nutrients from orange juice are absorbed at breakfast. The discovery and understanding of these processes and how they can be improved has been proven by scientific research.

When researchers in academic, government and industry sectors need reliable scientific, technical or medical information, they need a credible source that contains relevant information. In the past finding this information took many man-hours sifting through many sources.

Elsevier, the world's leading publisher of scientific, technical and medical information, has put nearly all of science in one place and created a tool called ScopusŪ. It gives researchers a single, easy-to-use gateway to find the information that powers innovation and discovery in the 21st century online.

Scopus is different from search engines because it is for the serious scientist who wants to search deep into particular subject areas and find specialist scientific information. A scientist is not looking for the most popular piece of information; they want credible high quality research from a reliable source that is easy to find.

At the heart of Scopus is the biggest Abstract & Indexing database of scientific literature ever assembled, covering titles from over 4000 scientific, technical and medical publishers. Scopus also simultaneously searches the scientific Web using the science-only Internet search engine, Scirus. The Scopus user interface offers easy-to-use searching straight from the home page and intuitive browsing tools. Users can link to their entitled full-text articles in one click, making "dead-links" a frustration of the past.

Easier, faster searching helps streamline the research process and ultimately impacts research excellence. It was developed by scientists, researchers and librarians with researchers in mind and reaction to date has been excellent. It is available through leading academic and corporate institutions with a strong research ethos in North America, Latin America, Asia, Australia, Europe and the Middle East. US customers include New Jersey Institute of Technology; University of Nevada, Las Vegas and University of Pittsburgh.

According to Richard Sweeney, University Librarian at New Jersey Institute of Technology, "Scopus is an amazing tool. It allows our researchers to find the information they need and means they can concentrate on their passion-research and discovery. It will be interesting to know how this tool will influence the pace and quality of research today and in the future."

Further information on Scopus is at

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