
New Moms, Take Care of Yourself, Exercise Can Help
Oct 1, 2006, 12:46

As the mother of a new baby, you are full of wonder and happiness with your new bundle of joy. While you have you have a new center to your universe, and have been learning what motherhood involves, don't make the mistake of forgetting to take care of yourself.

A lot of new mothers find themselves in an unhealthy routine after giving birth. Even some moms who love physical activity seem to place their exercise schedule on the back burner. If you find you have done that, remember, exercise is even important for moms. The three reasons why new moms need excercise are:

1. Exercise is Good For Your Body.

That's put simply enough. Exercising will make you feel better physically. Exercise gets your blood flowing. If you are tired after becoming a giving birth, this especially applies to you. Women who lead a sedentary lifestyle are much more likely to develop health issues, such as heart,blood pressure and weight gain problems. The next time you want to turn into a couch potato with a half-gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream, get out and get some exercise. Keeping your body in shape will give you a better quality of life.

2. Exercise is Good For Your Mind.

You’ve had a long, trying day. Your two year old is going through the tantrum phase, and your grade schooler is going into some new phase unknown to you. What do you do? Do you head straight for the candy bar aisle in the grocery store and stock up on your five favorite bars of chocolate? If so, you’re headed for trouble. Take those frustrations right to the gym and work them out. Even if you can’t afford a gym membership, go for a long walk. Exercising can be extremely beneficial in releasing your pent-up frustrations and emotions. It will also release those ever important feel good endorphins which will clear your mind and make you feel on top again… ready to face just about anything.

3. Exercise is Good For Your Family.

As a mom, you have taken on a great responsibility. Your entire family will look to you in everything you do. Set a positive example for your children. Our children learn by example. When your children see you keeping healthy with a regular exercise routine, even when you don’t feel like doing it, they will be more likely to get involved in exercising as well. Start today and create both a personal and family exercise routine.

Remember, tired as you are, exercise also gives you more energy, so the more routine your exercise is, the greater benefit you will get from it. It may be tiring for you in the very beginning but the rewards will be felt and seen quickly as you keep up with your daily exercises. Just taking the kids for a walk will help you and them to relax and deal with the ins and outs of daily family life.
So put that candy bar or ice cream down, and go take the kids for a walk!

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