
Online Video Game Rental Services
Jan 14, 2008, 20:24

(NAPSI)-Many households have multiple video game consoles that, in turn, require an arsenal of the latest titles to keep kids happy and entertained.

With so many systems and games to choose from, it can be tough for parents to manage the cost of games (which can be up to $60 a title), find the hot titles their kids want and ensure the games they are playing are appropriate for their age level.

Fortunately, there's now a convenient alternative to purchasing expensive games that may provide only a few hours of entertainment: online video game rental, which allows parents to feed their family's gaming appetite without taking a chunk from their wallet.

For example, GameFly, the leading online video game rental service, has a free initial trial membership and several monthly plans available thereafter.

Membership plans, which start as low as $15.95 a month, give consumers access to more than 5,000 titles (including all of the latest releases and classics) from the most popular platforms and handhelds. If gamers really like a certain title, they can purchase it at a discounted price through the "keep it" option.

Additionally, online video game rental services can help parents bypass retailers and traditional rental locations that may not have the game their child wants.

For parents who want to give children the freedom to choose which games they want to rent and play, but are worried about titles that may not be appropriate, GameFly provides industry-leading parental controls.

Parents can limit the types of games that can be rented-thus protecting their children from violent or mature content-while still giving youngsters the ability to manage their own account.

Finally, rental services can be a huge time-saver for parents. Families are able to rent from a selection of thousands of the hottest titles, which are conveniently delivered right to their doors, without the worry of contracts, due dates or late fees.

Plus, returning rentals is easy. When finished with a game, members simply mail it back in a prepaid envelope and receive a new one in a few days.

So if you're looking for an affordable and convenient way to rent and play thousands of video games, an online video game rental service can be a great option. For more information or to sign up, visit www.

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