
Weight Loss
Plus-size Fashion Show Loses Models
By Jennifer Grossman
Sep 20, 2005, 22:06

(NUI) - Bad news about America's weight problem getting you down? Here's a story that promises to lighten things up - in more ways than one.

Plus-size fashion purveyor Lane Bryant recently called off its annual fashion show featuring overweight models in lingerie. The reason: "We had a hard time finding celebrity spokesmodels," said Lane Bryant's Catherine Lippincott.

The usual super-sized suspects like Anna Nicole Smith and Queen Latifah have lost weight. Lane Bryant was big enough to congratulate the women on their weight loss, even while lamenting the thinning of the super-sized model ranks.

They aren't the only ones disappointed. This development is a setback for those who promote fat pride as well. The size acceptance movement has relied on plus-size celebrities to carry the "big is beautiful" banner. But what does it tell you when such erstwhile poster-children as Queen "I'm not losing a damn pound" Latifah go ahead and drop the bluster - along with 40 pounds? What it says is that despite the brave show, very few women are proud of being overweight or obese.

And why should they be? Obesity dramatically increases the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes and can cut up to 20 years off of a person's life. Comorbidity is beautiful? Sleep apnea is sexy? I don't think so. Pretending that the condition that causes such ailments is attractive only provides one more excuse to avoid taking the necessary steps to get healthy.

There is one trend in which the use of overweight models may be helping: mainstream health clubs featuring fuller models with less body tone in their advertisements. The theory is that your average overweight Joe can relate to images of beer bellies better than those of six-pack abs. And if it gets more people off the couch and into the gym, I'm all for it.

Ever since Americans woke up to the negative health consequences of tobacco use, the nation has become increasingly opposed to incorporating images of women smoking in fashion magazines or entertainment. Similarly, it's hard to reconcile the toll of alcohol-related deaths, whether through accidents or disease, with portrayals of the lovable or amusing drunk.

The medical establishment is now unanimous in acknowledging obesity as a leading factor in a devastating range of diseases. Isn't it time our culture caught up - and dropped the pretense of fat pride, along with the extra pounds?

Jennifer Grossman is the director of the Dole Nutrition Institute.

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