
How to Protect Pets, Children From Harmful Parasites
Sep 25, 2005, 12:50

(NUI) - The approach of spring thaw, followed by warm summer sun, means great times outdoors with your pet.

Whether you're tossing a Frisbee to your dog in the park or just lounging with your cat on the front porch, warmer weather means more fun with that special companion.

However, pet owners should be aware that warmer weather also brings an increased risk of infection from harmful parasites.

"While most pet owners do provide their pets with proper protection from various infectious conditions, many do not fully understand the potential health risks posed by warm weather infestations, such as hookworms and roundworms," said Dr. Jennifer Berg, a veterinarian.

A recent survey found that 42 percent of dog owners do not know that hookworms and roundworms can transmit harmful diseases. Not only can worms affect the health and well-being of your cat or dog, they can also pose a health risk to people, especially young children.


Zoonotic diseases - diseases passed from animals to humans - are transmitted directly through contact with infected animals, or indirectly through exposure to contaminated waste, soil, food or other objects in the environment. Children are most vulnerable in areas where they play alongside pets, such as the sandbox and playground. Hookworm and roundworm infections are two typical zoonotic diseases.

Children infected by roundworms can suffer from a condition called ocular larva migrans, which may result in partial vision loss. Hookworms generally migrate through the skin tissue, causing inflammation in the affected areas and leaving an extremely itchy, winding red "trail."

"It is important for pet owners to educate themselves about these potential diseases and learn why it is necessary to protect their dogs and cats," Berg said.

Protecting Your Pet and Family

* Visit Web sites like to learn how to prevent pets from transmitting potentially dangerous intestinal worms to people.

* Ask your veterinarian about products like Heartgard Plus, a comprehensive treatment against roundworm and hookworm infections that prevents heartworm disease.

* Ask your veterinarian to de-worm your puppy or kitten at an early age and adhere to a regular de-worming schedule to prevent subsequent infection.

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