
Science Gives Hope to Those With Psoriasis
By J.C. Carroll
Feb 4, 2009, 22:17

Learn about what psoriasis is and how you can control and prevent it.

(NC)-The skin fills an important role in defining us to the world, so attitudes towards psoriasis are complex. Medical specialists tell us, however, that reaction to your psoriasis is controlled by you. You are the one who signals to the world that it's a-okay.

This, of course, is a challenge. Many psoriasis sufferers feel a sense of anger, sadness, resentment and also frustration that this cycle of feelings may be repeated throughout life. Such emotions affect how people feel about themselves and that can cause a strain on relationships, careers and self-esteem.

Top Two Tips

Attitude, however, rules all - and here are two of the most effective ways to apply it:

1. Believe. There is an answer in science. For example, clinical tests on the non-drug, herbal ointment and cream Mahonia aquifolium (M-Folia) are proving to be 82 percent effective for reducing and eliminating red scales and patchiness, with no known side effects. M-Folia (sold in Canada as PsoEcze Care) is selling out in Europe - and it is also the remedy of choice for itchy skin conditions like eczema. Information is available online at

2. Forget. Once your skin is treated the best you can, forget about it when you step out in the world. If you don't appear to worry, other people won't - and if you prize your contribution to friendships, relationships, the workplace, and every activity you do - others will prize you too.

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