
The Must-Have Remote Control For Dads Technology That May Bring Dad Sweet Dreams
Aug 20, 2005, 14:52

(ARA) - Father’s Day. The official holiday in which to celebrate the man who taught you to ride a bike, read you bedtime stories and scared away the monsters under your bed. Will you thank Dad with another personalized coffee mug or ugly tie this year? Or will you spoil him with the latest technological gadget or flat screen television with hundreds of channels to surf? Before long, with a new remote control firmly in hand, he could be dozing off in his favorite comfy chair, which may be what he looks forward to the most.
Many people will grab sleep when and where they can. According to the National Sleep Foundation, nearly two-thirds of American adults experience a sleep problem a few nights per week or more and an estimated 100 million Americans suffer from sleep deprivation. If Dad has difficulty sleeping well at night, but has no trouble snoozing in front of the television, it may be time to trade in the old remote control one that can help Dad (and Mom) get a more restful night’s sleep.

Give Dad Some ZZZ’s

The Sleep Number Bed by Select Comfort is a gift that combines innovative technology with an easy-to-use remote control for better sleep that’s clinically proven. Its patented design features dual air chambers that are electronically controlled by a digital remote that displays a Sleep Number. A Sleep Number is a number between zero and 100, representing the precise level of mattress firmness that offers ideal cushioning and support for individual sleepers, at the touch of a button.

“Thanks to our revolutionary technology, sleeping partners can adjust the bed to their individual comfort level without disrupting or affecting their partner’s comfort,” says Pete Bils, senior director of Sleep Innovation at Select Comfort. “Because the bed conforms to each individual’s body shape and sleep position, the spine and back are more properly supported and the pressure points that can cause tossing and turning are reduced. In fact, in studies conducted at Stanford University and Duke University, participants fell asleep faster and experienced better quality sleep on the Sleep Number bed than on a traditional innerspring mattress.”

Is Dad Getting Enough Sleep?

The stuff of daily life can cause Dad’s sleep to suffer. According to a 2005 Sleep Habits Survey, one in five adults, ages 25-54, reported they would lose sleep if their work was not finished before going home for the day (22 percent). The survey also found that 40 percent of respondents would sleep poorly if they forgot to pay bills on time. And for some men, sleep can be helped (5 percent) or hindered (4 percent) by whether their favorite sports teams wins or loses.

Mom and Dad could also be contributing to one another’s sleep problems, as four out of five people surveyed said their partner’s sleep habits often keep them up at night. Fifty-two percent of respondents indicated that their partner’s snoring kept them awake, while others cited cover stealing, tossing and turning and hogging the bed. Partners even disagree about their sleep environment, with one in ten saying that pillows, bedding and light in the room affect their sleep.

“Creating the proper sleep environment, with appropriate temperature, sound and light can make a big difference in the quality of sleep you get at night and the way you feel during the day,” says Bils. “Most people do not realize that their bed is preventing them from sleeping well, and in some cases keeping them awake.”

Where to Find Dad’s New Remote Control

Select Comfort products, including the Sleep Number bed and accessories, are sold through more than 365 retail stores located nationwide, through its national direct marketing operations (800-535-BEDS), and on the Internet at For additional sleep advice for Dad or any member of the family, visit and submit a question to the Sleep Advisory Board, whose mission is to provide guidance on issues related to the science and practice of better sleep. Courtesy of ARA Content

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