
Green Living
Saving the Environment, One Step at a Time
Jul 25, 2008, 19:42

Saving the Environment, One Step at a Time

Day after day after day, we are bombarded with bad news about our planet. A few minutes of letting today’s depressing environmental stories get into your head, and you’ll surely feel helpless, little, even paralyzed.

Let’s just hope that you’re not too paralyzed to realize that, yes, there is something you can do.

In fact, there are a lot of things you can do to help with saving our environment, and you don’t even have to break a sweat.

Here’s how:

Neither Plastic nor Paper

When going grocery shopping, refrain from using neither plastic nor paper. Instead, show Earth some love by toting along a reusable bag. Just think of the number of plastic bags that would not end up clogging our landfills. Think twice before using plastic bags. Remember that plastic does not decompose, and therefore what you throw now will be on Earth for years to come. Look around your house and see if you have canvas bags you can use for shopping. Some stores like Trader Joe’s sell nice, charming totes for $0.99.

Water Conservation

Just remember this basic rule: turn off your faucet when not in use. Whenever you can, take a shorter time in the shower. Also, multi-task: lather shampoo on your hair and soap up your body before washing everything up. Memorize your favorite shower hot-and-cold-combination. Mark your hot and cold knobs with red polish so you don’t have to waste time and water checking for the right temperature. Not only are you saving earthly resources, you’re also saving your wallet from the great depression!

E-Everything, Anyone?

At this day and age, paper is tacky. And unhealthy for the environment too. Go modern and go green: send out e-vites instead of traditional cards for invitations; get e-books instead of paperbacks; finish all your banking activities online instead of going postal. All these are economical too!

Going Natural

Skip the disposables and use cloth diapers for your baby instead. This simple but very effective choice may keep around two tons of plastic out of landfills! If you can’t bear to part with disposables, go for the next best thing. gDiapers are biodegradable diapers that could be flushed anytime. In the same vein, use microfiber cloths for cleaning. These are cheaper and more effective than paper towels.

Green Driving

As long as you’re not hurrying for anything, take it easy on your pedal. Just think of the rising cost of fuel and be more conscientious next time you drive. Do all the tasks in one go to save gas and avoid going back and forth. Hybrids may be all the rage, but some specialists say that if you really want to go green, just keep on using your current car until it’s beyond repair. Speaking of which, always keep your car tuned up so it won’t become a gas-guzzler.

Each Penny, Each Dime always worth your time. Going for efficiency and quality need not to be expensive! Remember those days when you used to "do without, use it up, and wear it out"? It’s time to revert to that kind of thinking, especially with the rate prices are going. Choose items that can be used many times over before they go to the bin, or those which could be recycled. If you think you’ve outgrown an item, why not go to and see who can use your old items again? Stretch things to the limit; you’ll be glad you did.

Saving the environment is a huge leap, but keep in mind that huge leaps start out from baby steps. Take things one day at a time but commit yourself and your family to the plan. A little change today will be huge tomorrow.

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